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内部辅导资料 谢绝外传 QQ:313913839 McKeever McKeever CCSA Study System CCSA Study System ⊙Contemporary Business Concepts, Danbury, Connecticut, April 2006 as modified. April 2006 as modified 1 内部辅导资料 谢绝外传 QQ:313913839 CSA: Course Overview and The Basics 2 内部辅导资料 谢绝外传 QQ:313913839 Course Overview The CCSA exam can cover a broad spectrum of topics. In addition, the questions and topics on the exam are changed periodically. The objectives of this course are to help participants become more familiar with the material that may be tested on the CCSA Examination and to become more comfortable dealing with multiple-choice questions. The wording of multiple- choice questions can often be a greater challenge than the actual material being tested. Therefore, throughout this workbook there will be opportunities to review both the technical material that may appear on the CCSA examination as well as clarifying the wording used in questions. The workbook material contains extensive discussion of the technical topics that may be present on the CCSA examination. In addition, there are sample questions related to the topics at the end of each chapter. These sections contain the correct answer to each question along with an explanation, which often examines the wording of the question. At the back of the workbook there are a substantial number of advanced questions. These questions are probably more typical of what will appear on the examination. These advanced questions are presented in two parts. The first part provides the question only. The second, part is more comprehensive with q


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