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娱乐与表演业Entertainment and show business (show biz) Recreational activities 剧本screenplay编剧screenwriter影评人film critic影评Film reviews 纪念版 commemorative issue 银幕对手/电影拍挡on-screen collaborators 播影时间将由下午6.25改为下午7.30 will be rescheduled from its current 6.25pm slot to 7.30pm 六点挡 6 o’clock slot 调整节目播映时间re-schedule its programs 乐坛的明日之星new pop-star hopefulsEmerging star/ starlet 邻家男孩的形象boy-next-door image他的前度绯闻女友his rumoured former girlfriend她没有化妆,但也很迷人。She has no make-up on but she is ravishing. 她和拍拖,因而成为娱乐版的常客。 She has become a fixture on the gossip pages due to her relationship with 有票房保证的明星/叫座的明星bankable stars友情客串She made cameo appearance in this movie. 提高黄金时收视率 raise prime-time ratings 主角 protagonistWho are the cast? Star-studded cast 选美会beauty pageant 亲善小姐Miss Congeniality winner 卖座片blockbuster/hit movies 大制作big-budget productions 销量甚佳sales have been brisk亲笔签名的唱片autographed CDs 假唱lip-sync 出道(当歌手)start one’s music career in … 滥情的Sappiness 滥情的通俗剧melodramas 举办个人演唱会stage his own concert/solo concert 露天演唱会 open air concerts恐怖片Period film 色情片stag films 脱星porn stars限制级影片R-rated film 一个人人都会有共鸣的温馨故事a heart-warming story that everyone can relate to 大结局the final episode 性感的/暴露的/撩人的硬照sultry stills 莫文蔚和周星驰间的绯闻已流传了好一段时间。 Rumours of a love affair between Karen and Stephen have been circulating for some time. 这首歌仍然引起很多香港人的共鸣。It still touches a chord in many Hong Kong people. 拙劣地模仿parody 物色新秀scout out young talentTalent scout Talent hunter 青少年偶像teen idols/a teen heartthrob with a baby face Role model 是去年最卖座的本土电影was the top-grossing domestic film last yearBox office 流言终归是流言,不久就会平息。Rumours are rumours. It will soon blow over. 电视转播的演讲a televised speech厌倦长期备受媒体关注weary from the media attentionThe A-list star wants a quiet life out of the spotlight。 头条独家报导frontscoops 摄影师cameraman Variety 彩排 dress rehearsal 试唱/试演audition I am auditioning for a part in the play. 特技Stunt 替身body double/stand-in 消遣Do you consider gardening to be work or a pastime? Melody旋律/tune Rhythm节奏/tempo Lyrics 歌词 Sympho


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