
英语中级口语 7.ppt

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英语中级口语 7.ppt

Unit three Pain Is the Ultimate Enemy sear: (1) To cause to dry up and wither 使干枯,使凋谢 (2) To become withered or dried up 变得枯萎或干枯 A cold wind sears the leaves. 寒风使树叶枯干。 His soul has been seared by injustice. 他的心灵因受屈辱而变得冷酷无情了。 (3) 烧烙 My skin was seared with the acid. 酸液灼伤了我的皮肤。 rattle something off: 轻易[不假思索]地说出[背出] Yesterday he rattled me a secret off. 昨天他告诉了我一个秘密。 desensitize: To render insensitive or less sensitive 使降低敏感性 Some phenomena at present in society have desensitized us. 当前社会上的一些现象使我们变得冷漠麻木了。 morbid: Psychologically unhealthy or unwholesome 病态的 He suffered much from a morbid acuteness of the senses. 他由于异常的神经过敏而吃了不少苦头。 boomerang: To have the opposite effect from the one intended; backfire 自食其果 His plan to reduce the number of workers boomeranged on him. 他想要裁减工人的计划对他起了反作用。 malaise: A vague feeling of bodily discomfort, as at the beginning of an illness 身体不适 Today he has a general malaise. 今天他全身倦怠。 vaunt: To speak boastfully of 吹嘘 As a scholar, he never vaunts himself. 作为一个学者,他从不吹嘘自己。 lethal: Of, relating to, or causing death 致命的 a lethal dose 致死(药)量 metabolize: To subject (a substance) to metabolism 使新陈代谢 He is making an experiment of metabolizing iodine. 他在进行一项碘的新陈代谢的实验。 replenish: To fill or make complete again; add a new stock or supply to 补充 Tom replenished the larder. 汤姆给食橱重新装满食物。 boon: A benefit bestowed, especially one bestowed in response to a request 恩惠 A spanking breeze is a boon to sailors. 一阵狂风是对水手们的及时恩赐。 alleviate: To make (pain, for example) more bearable 减轻 a drug that alleviates cold symptoms 一种减轻感冒症状的药品 promiscuous: Lacking standards of selection; indiscriminate 混杂的 Throngs promiscuous strew the level green. 大量杂草混杂在平整的草坪上。 unremitting: Never slackening; persistent 从不放松的;坚持不懈的 He finally succeeded after he made some unremitting efforts. 经过不懈的努力他最终成功了。 indoctrinate: To imbue with a partisan or ideological point of view 灌输 The generation of children had been indoctrinated against the values of their parents. 这一代的孩子们被灌输了与他们家长的价值观相左的思想。 recupera


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