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47 3 V ol. 47 No. 3 2007 6 Telecommun ication Engineering Jun. 2007 : 1001- 893X ( 2007) 03- 0094- 04 突发模式下 PSK 信号的载波估计和位同步技术 邓 洁 (, 610036) : 介绍了一种适合于突发模式下 PSK信号的快速载波估计和位时钟恢复的算法, 该算法 于 特定图案的前导字, 在前导字阶段采用匹配滤波相关的前向技术直接获取载波频差估计值和位同步 时钟的相位信息, 利用数字相关得到载波初相的估计值此算法结构简单, 可估计的载波频差范围 约为符号率的 10%, 且计算量不大, 适合数字硬件实现实测结果验证了该方法的可行性和有效 性 : 数据传输; 突发模式; PSK; 载波估计; 位同步; 匹配滤波 : TN911 : A Carrier- E stim ation and Sym bol- Synchronization in BurstM ode PSK T ransm ission DEN G J ie ( Southw est China Institute of Electron ic Technology, Chengdu 610036, Ch ina) Abs tract: A new algorithm for fast carrier track ing and symbol- tmi ing recovery in burstmode PSK trans m ission is proposed. The algorithm is based on the use of a special preamble, and uses match filtering technique to estmi ate the needed parameters such as carrier- offset and b it- tmi ing errors quickly and di rectly. The range of the carrier- offset that can be estmi ated is about 10% of the symbol rate, wh ile the algorithm proposed requires low computations and is easy to be mi plemented w ith digital hardw are. The feasib ility and effectiveness of the algorithm has been verified by test resu lts. Key w ord s: data transm ission; burst mode; PSK; carrier estmi ation; symbol- synchronization; match filte ring , , 1 , , , , , , : , ,


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