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第 18 卷第2 期 总第70期 Vo 1 . 18 No . 2 M aterials Science Engineering June200 0 : 1004-793X(2000) 02-0094-06 1 ( 1. , , 310027) 0Cr 19Ni9 1Cr 18Ni9Ti , , , , , , , , , ; ; ; ; T G1 2.71T G + .7 :A Effect of Arcsurface Remelting on the Corrosion Resistance of Austenitic Stainless Steel Tig Welding oint LUO Wei ( 1. , 310027, ) Zhejiang University Hangzhou China 0 19 9 1 18 9 - ( ) Abstract T he corrosion resistance of the Cr Ni and Cr Ni Ti tungsten inert gas TIG arc w elding joints w ith and w ithout A micro-plasma arc surface remelting was st udied in t his paper . The - ( ) results showed t hat t he corrosion resistance of t he heat affect ed zone HAZ and the w eld deceased compared w ith the base met al. It w as found that after remelting, t he microstructure w as refined and the microsegregation was eliminated. As a result , t he corrosion resistance of the joint w as significantly improved. ; ; ; ; Key words austenitic stainless steel TIG w elding joint corrosion remelting 1 18 9 , Cr Ni Ti 1 前 言 , , Cr-Ni , , , ( HAZ) , ; [ 12] ( ,


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