
优秀毕业论文(设计):10Gbits SDH设备组网与应用.doc

优秀毕业论文(设计):10Gbits SDH设备组网与应用.doc

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全军信息系统管理专业自学考试 毕 业 论 文 论文题目 师姓名     作者姓名       准考证号 作者单位 学院 完成时间 年 月 日 中国人民解放军信息系统管理专业高等教育自学考试委员会制Abstract SDH technology core lie in group net, only then under network environment,SDH each superiority can the fission presently come out. The function consummates, conforms to the unified standard SDH with management system management system to entire SDH the service nature and the maintenance cost all have the profound significance, is the SDH networking success or failure key,SDH with the network management is inseparable,SDH a technical important characteristic is the network flexibility and the security, and may enhance the network resources effectively the use factor, this also is a modern telecommunication network main characteristic. This article first carries on the introduction to the SDH technology, afterwards elaborated the SDH net composition, as well as SDH net in our countrys application situation, and has discussed the SDH network analysis situs and the line protection and the SDH technology prospects for development and the domestically produced SDH equipment development direction, key discusses the 10Gbit/s SDH net the protection, finally is to the SDH net summary and the related view. Key words: SDH Transmission Network Synchronization Network manage-ment 目 录 一、SDH 组 网 的 优 越 性···································4 (一) SDH技术特点·············································4 (二) 我国的SDH传送网网络结构··································5 二、10Gbit/s SDH设备组网的特点·····························9 (一) 10Gbit/s SDH设备特点·····································9 (二) 10Gbit/s SDH组网优势·····································12 三、Citrans 750 10Gbit/s SDH设备的组成以及自愈环的网络保护·····························································14 (一) Citrans 750 10Gbit/s SDH设备概述·························14 (二) 自愈环的网络保护··········································19 四、 10Gbit/s SDH网的拓扑结构·······························21 五、 10Gbit/s SDH网络的保护以及线路保护···················24 (一) 网络的保护与恢复···



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