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2011 —2012 学年 第 一 学期 毕业设计(论文) 课题名称: 福特福克斯空调的结构与检修工艺 设计时间: 2011.10.13—2012.5.10 系 部: 机械工程系 班 级: 姓 名: 指导教师: 2012 届毕业设计(论文)任务书 系(部): 机械工程系 专业:汽车检测与维修 班级: 0901汽修 学生姓名 徐荣华 指导教师 戴晓锋 职称 课题名称 福特福克斯空调的结构与检修工艺 课 题 工 作 内 容 论文要求: 随着汽车工业的迅猛发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,汽车开始走进千家万户。人们在一贯追求汽车的安全性、可靠性的同时,如今也更加注重对舒适性的要求。因而,空调系统作为现代轿车基本配备,也就成为了必然。 近年来环保和能源问题成为世界关注的焦点也成为影响汽车业发展的关键因素各种替代能源动力车的出现为汽车空调业提出了新的课题与挑战。 1、首先是由指导老师同意讲解关于毕业论文的写作要求、注意事项等; 2、选定自己的论文指导老师,指导老师商定着手选题; 3、到学校图书馆、老师推荐的资料网站、以及我们的专业书上搜集相关的资料; 4、经指导老师论文题目审核完毕后,开始着手写开题报告书和任务书,指导老师审核通过后再进行下面的工作; 5、进行论文的提纲拟定; 论文的基本内容涵盖: 汽车空调 汽车空调的 汽车空调通风、供暖与配气系统     汽车空调的检修 汽车空调的故障诊断与维修 Abstract With the rapid development of auto industry and peoples living standard is increasing day by day, the car began to enter homes. People always pursued in the security and reliability of cars at the same time, now also pay more attention to comfort requirements. Therefore, air conditioning system as a modern cars equipped with basic, also become inevitable. In recent years, environmental protection and energy problems as the world has become the focus of attention of the influence of the development of the auto industry key factors all kinds of alternative energy hybrid car KongDiaoYe appeared to put forward the new subject and challenges. Since the s automotive air conditioning since birth, along with the car development and popularization of air conditioning system, air condition in the development of go through five stages: a single heating stage, a single air conditioning phase, the changes in temperature and integration phase, automatic control stage, computer control stage. Air conditioning control method also experienced from the simple to the complex, again by complex to simple process. As the car air conditioning system control circuit also do


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