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摘 要
CAXA ME is the Beijing Beihang Haier software company launched the PC-based platform for CAD / CAM integration software, is also widely used in the manufacturing field at home CAD / CAM software, in the mold of the most widely in the manufacturing field. CAXA ME 2008 is the latest version of CAXA ME software, providing solid modeling, free surface modeling and solid modeling functionality with mixed surfaces, enabling the part of complex shape design.
With the development of Chinas manufacturing industry entered a new phase of better and faster, for practical application of Chinas manufacturing industry needs, the use of such a CAD / CAM software, with market-oriented operation of the efforts to achieve CAD / CAM software in the automotive, electronics, machinery, mold, construction, electrical power and other manufacturing industries universal application. This paper focus on the practical application of CAXA manufacturing engineers (ME) 2008, automatically reflected light punch of NC programming and simulation process. From a computer-aided design and simulation process of the virtual and actual processing to provide important technical parameters and technical parameters, to shorten the traditional process of design and manufacture of a long demonstration phase, improved production efficiency.
Keywords: CAXA ME,NC programming,manufacturing process emulation
目 录
第1章 前言 1
第2章 CAXA软件的介绍 2
2.1 CAXA软件介绍 2
2.2 CAXA软件的主要功能 2
2.3 CAXA软件的工作界面 3
第3章 反射灯冲头的工艺分析及加工方案 6
3.1 零件结构分析 6
3.2 加工零件应注意的内容 6
3.3 加工零件的工艺分析 7
3.4数控加工工艺的主要内容 7
3.5 加工内容及工艺路线的确定 7
3.6 工艺设计及加工路线的设计 8
3.7 工件定位与安装的确定 10
3.8 选择刀具及切削用量的确定 10
第4章 反射灯冲头的三维造型 12
4.1 CAXA软件的操作界面 12
4.2 绘制平面图 12
4.3 绘制草图0 15
4.4 绘制旋转轴 15
4.5 绘制旋转增料
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