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 冰模板法制备具有层状结构的壳聚糖多孔 材料# * 5 10 15 20 25 30 35  摘要:壳聚糖具有生物可降解性、生物相容性、金属离子吸附性等优良性能,被广泛应用于 食品、医药、生物、和环境工程等领域。在其应用中,如果材料体中具有微米或纳米级有序 微观结构,那么对其力学强度及应用功能都有很大的改善作用。本文采用冰模板法制备了具 有微米级规整层状结构的壳聚糖多孔材料。该材料由许多呈波浪状弯曲的片层组成,每个片 层厚度小于 1μm,层间距在 5~20μm 之间。由于冷冻过程中胞晶和枝晶等冰晶结构的存在, 使得制得的壳聚糖多孔材料除了具有主体的层状结构外,还具有柱状孔隙和棱纹凸起等微观 结构。该壳聚糖多孔材料具有很低的密度(约为 0.036g/cm3)和很高的孔隙率,并有足够 的强度和弹性使其自支撑。 关键词:工程材料;多孔材料;壳聚糖;冰模板法 中图分类号:TB383 fabrication of porous chitosan materials with lamellar structure by ice-templating QIU Baoqian, YAN Jia (State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024) Abstract: Chitosan possesses beneficial properties such as biodegradability, biocompatibility, and adsorption of metallic ions, which make it attractive in various applications including food, pharmaceutical, biological, and environmental engineerings. If ordered micro- or nano-structures were introduced into materials, their mechanical strength and applied functions of chitosan can be improved a lot in these applications. In the present paper, porous chitosan materials with ordered lamellar structure in micron size are fabricated by ice-templating. The material is composed of many wave-like bent lamellas, which have a thickness less than 1μm and a interspace between 5 ~20μm. Due to the composition of cellular and dendrite crystals in freezing process, besides major lamellar structure in prepared porous chitosan material, it also possesses other micro-structures such as columnar pores and ribbed salients. The porous chitosan material possesses a low density (~0.036g/cm3) and a high porosity, simultaneously, it has enough strength and elasticity for self-standing. Key words: engineering materials; porous materials; chitosan; ice templating 0 引言 壳聚糖具有生物相容性、血液相容性、微生物降解性等优良性能,被广泛应用于食品、 医药、生物工程、环境等领域。壳聚糖在某些领域的应用(如骨骼再生)要求其具有多孔骨 架性质,而普通的壳聚糖一般为粉末或薄片,无法独立地自支撑成为具有宏观形状的大块材 料体,在微观尺度内也不具有多孔、叠层等精细结构,这在某种程度上制约了对其方便有效 -1-  40 45 50 55 60 65  地应用。如何能制备出具有微米甚至纳米级别多孔结构,且



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