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2011届毕业生 毕业论文 题 目: 插电式混合动力车的能量控制策略研究 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 年 05 月 28 日 摘 要 进入21世纪以来,世界各国对改善环境和节约石油的呼声日益高涨,各种各样的电动汽车脱颖而出。近几年,插电式混合动力汽车成为研究热点。插电式混合动力汽车不仅可以纯电动模式短途行驶,而且可以混合动力模式长途行驶,有着其他电动汽车不可比拟的优势。这同时也体现插电式混合动力汽车的能量管理的重要性,本文针对其能量管理问题设计了基于电荷消耗的能量管理策略。 首先,本文分析了插电式混合动力车的简介与现状、发展趋势、主要问题与挑战、需要做的工作等,了插电式混合动力车的特点动力系统分类仿真软件等。 其次,设计基于电荷消耗思想的插电式混合动力车的能量控制策略,其主要内容包括插电式混合动力汽车能量源的分析、电荷消耗分配策略介绍、能量控制策略的确定。 最后,针对能量控制策略对车辆性能进行仿真。仿真内容包括电池与发动机的功率仿真,油耗与尾气排放量的仿真,整车输出功率的仿真。用仿真数据来表明电池与发动机控制的优化。 关键词:插电式混合动力车;电荷消耗;能量;最优化控制 Title Energy control strategy of Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles research Abstract Entering the 21st century, the voice of the world to improve the environment and conservation of oil is rising, and various kinds of electric cars show themselves. In recent years, the research of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle becomes hot. Plug-in hybrid cars can not only work short distance in condition of pure electric mode ,but can also work long distance in condition of complex electric mode , which has incomparable advantages than others. This indicates the importance of distribution of the strategy of PHEV.This paper designs the distribution of the strategy base on power consumption aim at the strategy. First, the characteristic and actuality and development of PHEV are discussed, as well as matter and challenge and part of work and so on. The define and dynamical system and software of simulation . Secondly , this paper shows the distribution of the strategy of PHEV base on the power consumption. It contains the analysis of energy source of PHEV,and the application of power consumption, and the certain of the energy control strategy . Finally, we can test the capability of distribution of the strategy by simulating of vehicle performance analysis. It contains the simulation of consume of oil and emissions, the simulation of output power of engine and battery. With the date of simulation, we can tell the co


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