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LED点阵显示屏设计 毕业设计论文 摘要 现代社会中各种信息时刻的出现在人们的生活视线中,想让大家更好的,方便的获得这样的信息,LED显示屏发挥了很大的作用,包括在商场门口、公交站台、会议室、商店、售票大厅、银行等场所,各种信息都可以通过led显示屏显示,让客户、路人、顾客更多的获取他们想要的信息。本文介绍了LED点阵汉字显示屏的设计与实现过程。文中从显示原理和显示屏驱动电路设计,到软件的全部过程都分别做了分析和阐述,并。 ????该系统以单片机为主来控制整个系统的运行,采用动态扫描方式驱动显示屏主要包括三大部分:底层硬件的设计、硬件驱动设计、。显示屏的驱动电路设计是整个系统的关键,它的质量优劣直接关系到显示的效果和系统的稳定性。如何获得最优良的显示效果,如何降低硬件借口复杂度提高系统稳定性,如何降低硬件成本等一系列问题成为设计显示屏系统的重点。 ???? 关键字:LED点阵显示屏,驱动电路,Abstract All kinds of information in the modern society appear in peoples life, want you to get better, convenient such information, the LED matrix display screen has played a large role in the bazaar, including public platform, conference room, hall, Banks stores, ticketing, etc all kinds of information can be displayed through the LED,make more customers, clients, stranger for the information they want. The paper introduces the characters of LED matrix display screen design and implementation. This shows principle and display driver circuit design, the entire process of software are analyzed and expounded respectively, and the specific processes. This system mainly use MCU to control the operation of the system, the dynamic scanning mode driver display mainly includes three parts:the basic hardware designs,hardware bottom drive design, display program design. The display circuit design is the key of the whole system, its quality directly related to that effect and the stability of the system. How to get the most excellent display effect, how to reduce the complexity system hardware excuses, how to reduce the cost of stability ,these problems are the key to display system design. Key words: LED matrix, driving circuit, interface, trigger 目录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 1 绪论 5 1.1 选题的目的和意义 6 1.2 国内外现状及研究 7 2 设计任务 9 2.1 基本功能 9 2.2 方案选取 9 3 硬件设计 13 3.1 硬件系统的总体设计 13 3.2 单片机系统设计 13 3.2.1 AT89S52单片机 13 3.2.2 复位电路设计 16 3.2.3 时钟电路设计 17 3.2.4 ISP连接线接口设计 18 3.3 驱动电路设计 20 3.3.1 行驱动电路设计 20 3.3.2 列驱动电路设计 22 3.4 16*16点阵屏 23 3.4.1 点阵工作原理 23 3.4.2 点阵屏分类 24 4 软件设计 26 4.1 主程序设计思想


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