
【毕业论文】The New Woman Ideology in Little Women.doc

【毕业论文】The New Woman Ideology in Little Women.doc

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本科毕业论文 中文题目: 新女性独立精神在《小妇人》中的体现 外文题目: The New Woman Ideology in Little Women 系 别 英语学院 专 业 英语(翻译方向 ) 年 级 2007级 学 号 200701010125 学生姓名 王晶 指导教师 张从成 结稿日期 2011年5月7日 四川外语学院教务处制 新女性独立精神在小妇人中的体现 摘要:露易莎. 梅. 奥尔科特,美国十九世纪后半期著名女作家, 以其长篇小说《小妇人》而闻名于世。这部以19世纪中叶美国内战时期的新英格兰小镇为背景,生动地体现出美国社会的变迁和文化的传承的小说, 以家庭日志的形式,讲述了马奇家四姐妹的成长经历,给读者留下了极为深刻的印象。小说中充分体现了时代新女性的独立精神,小说女主人公们不满足家庭主妇式的生活, 要求走出家门、步入社会、追求经济上的独立, 渴望通过发挥自己的才智以实现自我价值。除此之外,小说通过马奇姐妹艺术才华的展示、梅格和乔外出工作以补贴家用、马奇姐妹组织俱乐部创立自己的报刊、 乔违背传统的婚姻、丈夫们参与家务事等片段揭示出女权主义兴起和新女性主义的体现。 论文的第一部分主要阐述女性主义的萌芽,包括美国文化中的女性主义,女权运动,新女性主义等。第二部分着重于女性独立精神在婚姻和家庭生活中的改革,分别从乔和艾米这两个人物加以论证描述。第三章是论文的结论,概括总结了《小妇人》中体现出的新女性独立精神。 关键词:新女性;自我依靠;自我独立 The New woman Ideology in Little Women Abstract Louisa. May. Alcott, American woman writer in the latter half of the 19th century, is famous for her warmly-received novel Little Women. In the form of domestic diary, the novel tells the growing- up experiences of the four March sisters. Set in a small town in New England during American Civil War in the mid-nineteenth century, Little Women impresses readers with the social changes and cultural traditions of the American society at that time. The story presents the New Woman ideology in great sense, such as the four March sisters cannot stand their poor life and go out to work, earn money for the family in order to lessen the pressure of their parents and pursuit their economic independence, realize their self-value. Besides, the March sisters show their artistic talents, Meg go out to work and earn money for lessen the family burden, they run their own newspaper club, Jo go against with the traditional marriage, and husband takes part in the household things are all present the New Woman Ideology. The first chapter of this thesis introduces the Initiation of Feminism, includin


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