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液压挖掘机液压系统设计 摘 要 在搜集了国内外挖掘机液压系统相关资料的基础上,了解了挖掘机液压系统的发展历史,并对挖掘机液压系统的技术发展动态进行了分析总结。论文对挖掘机的各种工况进行了分析,系统总结了挖掘机液压系统的设计要求。根据挖掘机液压系统的设计要求,论文中采用通用多路阀,配以专用控制阀和简单控制系统,设计了一套适合我国生产制造的单斗挖掘机液压系统。 本次毕业设计课题是液压挖掘机。课题企业为依托。挖掘机由多个系统组成,包括液压系统,传动系统,操纵系统,工作装置,底架,转台,油箱,发动机安装等。本人的设计主要致力于分析和设计液压挖掘机工作装置的液压系统。本课题选择了国内的质量和技术性能都接近设计要求的挖掘机作为基型,并在此基础上研究了国外的先进机型,设计出我们挖掘机的液压系统方案图,总体装配图以及相应的部件图和零件图,比如集成块及其装配图。图纸基本采用Auto CAD二维软件绘图。本液压挖掘机的优点是造型美观,具备挖掘,抓物,推土,清沟和破碎等功能。平台可360°旋转,性能可靠,操作舒适,可广泛应用于建筑,市政,供水,供气,供电农林建设等工程。 关 键 词:挖掘机,液压系统,单斗,集成块 THE DESIGN OF EXCAVATOR HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ABSTRACT The excavator is a main consrtuctional machine,which is now widely used in various construction sites.The core technique of excavator is hydrau1ic technique. Because of the bad working condition and conmplicated working movements of the excavatot,it has high requitements for its hydraulic system.Since the excavator’s hydraulic system is the most complicated one in all constructional machines ,the analysis and research of its hydrau1ic system make very important sens. the basis of comprehensive co11ection of re1ated information about the excavator’s hydraulic system at home and abroad,the main working conditions of the excavator are studied and the design requitments of its hydraulic system are systematically summarized. According to the design pressure compensated hydraulic system is creatively designed using general multiple until value equipped with special contol valve and contor systems,which has useful reference value for the future research and development of the single bucket excavator’s hydraulic system in our country. The name of this graduated task is ? type hydraulic excavator?.This task is?? requested by company. My task is to analyze and design the hydraulic system of the medium type hydraulic excavator. This task choose the domestic excavator whose quality and character is most similar to our request as the basic type, further study the overseas advanced type. Then I designed projects of hydraul


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