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摘 要
关键词:可编程控制器; S7-200; 自动门; 控制系统
With the rapid development of science and technology, our lives changed greatly. An intelligent and automation has began to appear in our view, this gives us great convenience. In the process of automatic door is of a typical automation, this design is the use of knowledge, and combining with actual need and research.
To strengthen the reliability of the operation, a S7 -200(PLC) as the core of the automatic control system. Analyzed the control system works, a description of a hardware system, introduced the body automatically detect and respond to the operation position of the inspection and operation of the inspection and control circuit to the work of the process, the plc and of course I would like to confirm the order. It was introduced how to choose a PLC type, to really settle the I/O orders. Combining the operation characteristics of programmable controller, a reasonable optimization was made for the work flow of the system. On this basis, using structured programming method, the program flow charts of main program module and opening door subroutine module and closing door subroutine module were developed. The debugging of the control system was developed and the control system has been adopted. The practical application shows that the control system is good and reliable.
Keywords: programmable logic controller(PLC); S7-200; automatic door; Control system
摘 要 I
前言 1
第一章 绪论 2
1.1 研究背景与研究意义 2
1.2 自动门的简介 3
1.3 自动门的组成及分类 4
1.3.1 自动门的组成 4
1.3.2 自动门的分类 4
1.4 本章小结 5
第二章 PLC的介绍及选择 6
2.1 PLC的简介 6
2.2 PLC的主要功能及特点 7
2.2.1 PLC的主
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