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毕 业 论 文(设 计)
The Development and Application of X-ray Diffraction
Line Analysis Technology
[摘 要] X射线衍射技术的应用范围非常广泛,现已渗透到物理、化学、材料科学以及各种工程技术科学中,成为一种重要的分析方法物质结构的分析。尽管可以采用中子衍射、电子衍射、红外光谱、穆斯堡尔谱等方法, 但是X 射线衍射是最有效的、应用最广泛的手段, 而且X 射线衍射是人类用来研究物质微观结构的第一种方法.x射线线形分析经常用于获得镶嵌块尺寸和微观应变这两个重要的微观结构参量。
从70年代以来,随着高强度X射线源(包括超高强度的旋转阳极X射线发生器、电子同步加速辐射,高压脉冲X射线源)和高灵敏度探测器的出现以及电子计算机分析的应用,使金属 X射线学获得新的推动力。这些新技术的结合,不仅大大加快分析速度,提高精度,而且可以进行瞬时的动态观察以及对更为微弱或精细效应的研究。
[关键词] X射线衍射线形分析技术;半高宽;近似函数法;位错
[Abstract] X-ray diffraction technology application range is very wide, has been through to the physics, chemistry, material science and various engineering technology science, becomes a kind of important analysis method of material structure analysis. Although it can be used to neutron diffraction, electron diffraction, infrared spectrum, mossbauer spetrum method, but X-ray diffraction is the most effective, the most widely used method, and X-ray diffraction was used to study human material micro structure of the first method. X-ray linear analysis often used to get set piece of size and micro strain the two important microscopic structure parameter. From the 70 s, with high intensity X-ray sources (including high strength of the rotating anode X-ray generator, electronic synchronous speed up, high pressure pulse radiation X-ray source) and high sensitivity of the probe appears and computer analysis of application, make metal X-ray study obtain new driving force. These new technology union, not only greatly quicken the speed analysis, improve the accuracy and the dynamic observation and the instantaneous more weak or fine effect of research. In this paper, the principle of X-ray diffraction techniques, as well as its application, simple introduction of X-ray diffraction technology and the development of the future trend.
[key words] X-ray diffraction analysis of linear technology; Half tall wide;
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