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毕业论文(设计)说明书 XX高线厂人力资源配置研究 摘 要 随着生产力的发展和进步,淘汰落后产能已经是国企必由之路,在淘汰落实产能的同时出现的一些人力资源配置问题,比如说人员过剩和人员短缺。一些工种出现人员过剩,多人抢一个岗位,而新设的岗位人才短缺,找不到适合岗位的人员。在这种形势下人力资源合理配置至关重要,人力资源配置不合理就有可能出现怠工、效率不高、给生产增加成本等现象。合理的人力资源配置能有效调动员工积极性、主动性,使员工在为企业创造效益的同时也能不断提高自身的竞争力,从而使企业和员工在日益激烈的竞争中生存、发展,达到企业和员工双赢的效果。 本文介绍XX高线厂的基本状况及其发展历程,然后分析了XX高线厂的组织结构,并结合XX高线厂07年人力资源配置情况进行了分析,提出了高线厂人力资源配置中出现的人员过剩和短缺问题。针对该厂存在的人力资源配置问题,从外部原因、单位内部原因、个人原因等进行分析研究。并分析了XX高线厂人力资源配置出现的过剩和短缺对单位和员工的消极影响。提出解决XX高线厂人力资源配置问题的对策:重新配置,完善薪酬体制,内外招聘人员和二次分流。本文的目的是对XX高线厂人力资源配置合理化问题的分析,并提出解决该问题的对策,从而能为通过淘汰落后产能而造成人员过剩和短缺的企业和单位带来一点启示和帮助。 关键词:高线厂;人力资源配置;对策 ABSTRACT Along with the productive forces development and the progress, the elimination fell the after-birth energy was already the state-owned enterprise way that must be taken, some human resources disposition question which during the elimination carried out produced can appear, the personnel were for example surplus and the personnel were short. Some kinds of work in a factory present the personnel to be surplus, group of people snatch a post, supposes newly the post talented person was short, cannot find the personnel who suited the post. The human resources dispose reasonably under this kind of situation very important, the human resources dispose unreasonable have the possibility to appear slow down, the efficiency not high, to increase phenomena and so on cost to the production. The reasonable human resources disposition can arouse the staff enthusiasm, the initiative effectively, causes the staff while creates the benefit for the enterprise also to be able to enhance own competitive power unceasingly, thus causes the enterprise and the staff survives day by day in the keen competition, the development, achieves the enterprise and staffs win-win effect. this article introduced that the Shaogang Altitude Factory the basic condition and the development process, then have analyzed the Shaogang Altitude Factory organizational structure, and unified the Shaogang Altitude Factory 07 year


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