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学号: 常 州 大 学 毕业设计(论文) (2012届) 题 目 虚拟信号发生器的设计 学 生 学 院 信息科学与工程学院 专业班级 校内指导教师 专业技术职务 校外指导老师 无 专业技术职务 无 二○USB6008数据采集卡,将虚拟仪器技术用于信号发生器的设计。该系统具有生成正弦波、方波、三角波、锯齿波,序列信号及任意波形的功能。其序列信号发生器是在n位寄存器的基础上,根据D触发器原理,加上异或反馈电路构成的。并且实现了存储波形和远程通信控制的功能。本文首先介绍了信号发生器的相关理论,给出了信号发生器的基本原理框图,并了解了虚拟仪器的总线及其标准、框架结构、LABVIEW 开发平台。在分析本系统功能需求的基础上,介绍了数据采集卡、LABVIEW 的编程模式等设计中所涉及到的硬件和技术。 本设计是虚拟仪器模拟真实仪器的尝试。实践证明虚拟仪器是一种优秀的解决方案,能够实现各种硬件可以完成的任务。 关键词:虚拟仪器,数据采集卡,信号发生器,LABVIEW The design of signal generator based on virtual instrument Abstract Virtual instrument is formed by the instrument technology, computer technology, bus technology and software technology. Powerful digital processing’s ability of computer is used to achieve the main functions of instrument. Virtual instrument broke the framework of the traditional instruments, and built a new device model. This design uses USB6008 data acquisition card. The virtual instrument technology has been utilized in the design of signal generator. The system has ability to produce sine wave, square wave, and triangle wave, saw tooth wave, sequence signals and arbitrary waveforms signals. The series generators is on the basis of the n - bit registers, and is under d trigger principle, coupled with the exclusive or of feedback circuit . And the waveform storage and remote communication control function has been realized. This article introduces the theory of signal generator, gives a basic block diagram of signal generator, also the frame structure and LABVIEW development platform of the virtual instrument with the inquiry of the bus’s standard. Based on the analysis of this system’s functional requirements, this article introduces the hardware and technology which involved in design of the data acqu



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