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辽宁铁道职业技术学院 高职毕业论文 题 目 铁路信号计算机联锁系统 专 业 铁道通信信号 班 级 姓 名 指导教师 职 称 二0一二 年 五 月 铁路信号计算机联锁效系统 摘 要 计算机联锁系统是实现铁路现代化和自动化的基础设施之一,是一种高效、安全的车站联锁设备,是提高车站通过能力的基础。同时,计算机联锁系统还具有故障—安全性能,与电气联锁系统相比,其在设计、施工和维护方面都较为便捷,且便于改造和增加新功能,为铁路信号向智能化和网络化方向发展创造了条件。 本论文主要阐述了计算机联锁系统的硬件结构组成,设备选型及电源配置等原则及处理方法。采用二乘二取二的体系结构的计算机联锁控制系统方案,尤其是对于可靠性技术和容错技术的深入研究,计算机联锁技术已日趋成熟,在大力推广使用。根据各国对计算机联锁的研究和使用情况来看,由于计算机在逻辑功能和信息处理方面具有很强的功能,完成其对信号机、道岔的控制电路及其相关组合的内部配线和对信号机、道岔、轨道电路等部分设备的状态信息采集电路以及与联锁机接口电路的控制。 关键词:铁路信号;计算机联锁;故障探讨 ABSTRACT Computer interlocking system is the one of infrastructure that realizes the modernization and automation of the railway, it is also a kind of efficiency and safety equipment of the station interlocks, which is the foundation that raises carrying capacity at station. Meanwhile, computer interlocking system also has the fault-oriented security, Compared with electrical interlocking system, its design, construction and maintenance are more convenient, and easy to transform and add new features, and the railway signal to the intelligent network to create the conditions for direction. This thesis describes the principles and approach of computer-based interlocking system hardware structure, selection of equipment and power configuration. Two times two take two architecture computer interlocking control system solutions, especially for in-depth study of the reliability and fault-tolerant technology, computer-based interlocking technology has matured, and vigorously promote the use of According to the countries in the study and use of computer-based interlocking situation, due to a computer logic function and information processing has a strong, complete signal, the switch control circuit and combinations of internal wiring and signal part of the equipment of the machine, switches and track circuit status information acquisition circu


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