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毕 业 论 文(设计) 题 目:基于JSP的旅游网站前台模块设计实现 摘 要 人类社会信息的处理和利用已经深入到人类当今世界上发展势头最强劲的业,旅游是集吃、住、行、游、购、娱六大要素的一个综合性产业旅游过程是一个受人为、自然等多种因素制约的复杂的过程,使游客在很短的时间内查找到所要的信息是旅游解决的问题。本文介绍的是以为主要开发工具制作完成的旅游网站。网站采用的是SQL数据库。 Abstract Human society has entered the information age, information affecting all aspects of our lives, handling and use of information has also been deep into all walks of life of human society, and of course the tourism industry is no exception. With the improvement of human life, tourism has become the worlds most powerful industry trend, tourism is a food, housing, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment the six elements of a comprehensive industry, while tourism is a process of by human, natural and so many factors in the complex process, so you can tap the tourism industry contains many information on how to develop and integrate the information, and to help visitors in a very short period of time to find the desired information to their own tourism critical industry issues. Of course, the development of tourism website is the best way to solve the above problem one. Described in this paper is based on MyEclipse 8.5 M2, Dreamweaver MX and Photoshop CS3 development tool produced as the main tourist sites. Web site uses a MySQL database. Site mainly consists of four modules: Browse module, user module, the order module and forum module. Full-text to the system overview, system analysis, database design, system design, detailed design of the system described in detail in five parts of the site development process. Keywords: JSP;MySQL;Hibernate;Ajax;Tourist site 目 录 1 系统概述 1 1.1 开发技术 1 1.2 开发环境 1 2 系统需求分析 3 2.1 功能需求 3 2.2 性能需求 4 2.3 系统的可行性性分析 4 2.3.1 社会可行性 4 2.3.2 经济上的可行性 4 2.3.3 技术上的可行性 5 3 数据库设计 6 3.1 概念模型设计 6 3.2 逻辑模型设计 14 4 系统总体设计 20 4.1 系统功能模块 20 4.1.1 浏览功能模块 20 4.1.2 用户模块 21 4.1.3 订单模块 22 4.1.4 论坛模块 22 4.2 系统数据流图 22 5 详细设计 23 5.1 创建实体类 23 5.2 配置Hibernate 23 5.3 封装常用方法 23 5.4 浏览模块功能实现 24 5.4.1 网站总体预览图 24 5.4.2 首页展示 25 5.4.3


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