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ABSTRACT PAGE 14 摘要 随着网络技术的迅猛发展, 当代企业纷纷建立自己的网站,借助于互联网扩大自己的影响、推广自己的产品,同时通过互联网快速的信息传递加速自身的发展。因此我选择将公司网站的设计以及后台的管理作为我的项目。 本论文所研究的是如何建设一个符合大众化要求的企业网站及后台数据库管理系统,意在通过设计一个具有数据管理功能的系统来管理前台页面中不断更新的数据,方便网站管理员日后对网站的维护和数据更新。本论文所提出的方案是采用现在比较流行的ASP技术配合网页三剑客(dreamweaver、fireworks、flash)等制作工具来设计和建设一个企业网站及后台数据库管理系统。该系统的基本功能有公司的简介、公司产品的展示、客户留言、后台的管理等等。 通过对企业需求的了解和对其他企业网站的参考,最终成功完成了一个虚拟的企业网站及后台数据库管理系统。该系统完全能满足大部分企业的日常需要,可以作为许多企业建设网站的参考系统。该系统在Windows XP+ASP +Access平台下开发、实现。 HYPERLINK ******要求:中英文摘要、关键词一定要准确,%20%20%20%20不能有语法和用词错误,%20%20%20%20此内容为今后学位委员会审查重点。%20%20关键词之间要用分号。关键词:手机网站 ASP ACCESS数据 ABSTRACT Along with the network technical fast fierce development, the contemporary business enterprise builds up an own website in succession, ask for help from Internet extension own product with own influence, expansion and pass the Internet fast information to deliver a development of accelerate the oneself in the meantime.So my choice be my items the company design of website and the management of backstage. What this thesis study is how constuct a business enterprise website and the management system of the backstage database which meets a popularize request, the idea is pass to design a system which has a data management function to manage the data that the stage continuously renews in the page and the convenient website managing person renews maintenance and data of website in the days to come.The project that this thesis put forward is an adoption now more popular ASP technique match web page three swordsman(dreamweaver, fireworks, flash) etc. creation tool to design and constuct the management system of a business enterprise website and backstage database.The basic function of that system has the brief introduction, company of company the management etc. of the message, backstage of the demonstration, customer of the product. Pass to the business enterprise demanding understanding and as to its the reference of his business enterprise website, the end success completed a virtual busi



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