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2012届          分类号:F230                  单位代码 :10452 专业论文 企业应收账款管理的调查与分析       姓 名        学 号        年 级       专 业  会 计 学       系 (院) 物 流 学 院       指导教师  2012年 4月 7日 摘 要 随着经济的不断发展,企业是否能够持续的发展显得尤为重要。目前,许多企业因未对应收账款采取有效的事前、事中和事后管理,导致企业的资金紧张,甚至陷入财务危机。为此,对企业应收账款的管理研究已迫在眉睫。本文从应收账款对企业的影响入手,对应收账款的现状进行了调查分析。当前企业应收账款存在以下问题。一是企业管理者受教育水平及眼光视角偏低,二是企业忽视了内部控制对企业的监督控制,三是中小企业机构设置简单一人多岗现象严重,四是企业应收账款逐年增加账期很长,五是收款不力坏账比率高,六是呆账坏账确认不及时给企业造成资产的虚增,七是企业管理者和经营者缺乏经营理财的意识和观念,八是事前管理不到位事中管理不规范事后控制不及时。通过调查发现以上问题的出现是由于企业内部原因和外部原因以及忽视信用管理缺乏内部控制造成的。针对企业应收账款管理存在的问题,现提出以下解决方案。一是制定合理的信用政策,二是强化应收账款风险防范提高企业风险管理水平,三是建立健全社会信用体系,四是提高会计力度和内部审计监督,五是建立分级审批制度建立专门的信用管理部门,六是建立应收账款账龄表不断完善收账政策并且建立坏账准备金制度。 关键词:企业;应收账款;管理 ABSTRACT With the continuous development of the economy, whether a company can continue to development is particularly important. Currently, many enterprises accounts receivable for failing to take effective prior, during and after the management, leading to tension in the enterprise funds, or even into a financial crisis. To this end, the management of receivables is imminent. The start from receivables enterprises, conducted a survey of the status of receivables. Corporate receivables following problems. First, business managers by the low level of education and vision perspective, two companies ignore the internal control supervision and control of the enterprise, SME agencies set up a simple one more post serious corporate receivables increased year by year account long period, five receivables poor bad debt ratio high, six-recognition in a timely manner to the enterprise caused assets inflated bad loans, seven awareness and perceptions of lack of business finance and enterprise managers and operators, eight before the event is not in place management irregularities after the control is not timely matter. The survey found that more than the emergence of the problem is lack of internal contr



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