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摘 要 乙酸和乙醇反应为可逆过程,传统的酯化方法采用4塔流程,能耗高,用反应精馏制备乙酸乙酯时,由于产物水的不断分离,使平衡向生成乙酸乙酯的方向移动,使得后续分离容易,能耗低。本文利用Aspen Plus软件模拟由乙酸和乙醇通过反应精馏生产乙酸乙酯,用酸性树脂作催化剂,采用一个反应精馏塔、一个汽提塔和一个分相器,实现乙酸乙酯纯度达到99%以上,整个装置的能耗达到10406.4MJ/t产品,而传统酯化方法能耗为14652MJ/t产品。根据软件模拟获得的数据,对3×104t/a乙酸乙酯工艺设计,完成对整个流程中所需设备选型和自动控制设计。 关键词:乙酸乙酯,反应精馏,模拟,反应精馏塔,汽提塔,分相器 Title Design of the process of annual output of 30,000 tons of ethyl acetate Abstract The reaction of ethanol and Acetic acid is Reversible. The process of traditional method has four columns, but its energy consumption is high. Applied reactive distillation to preparation of ethyl acetate, reaction moves to the side of producing ethyl acetate as water moved out of the system, which decreases burden of next separation processes. That method has lower energy consumption. This paper adopts Aspen Plus simulating the process that acetic acid and ethanol produce ethyl acetate by reactive distillation. And acidic resin is used as the catalyst of this process. The system contains one reactive distillation column, one stripper and a decanter. It achieves goals that the purity of product is up to 99%. The energy consumption of the whole system is 10405.4 MJ per ton of product. While, the energy consumption of traditional process is 10405.4 MJ per ton of product. According to the data obtained from simulation results, in the design of process of annual out put of 30,000 tons ethyl acetate, equipment selection and automatic control design are finished. Key words: ethyl acetate, reactive distillation, simulation, reaction distillation column, stripper, decanter 目 次 1 引言 1 1.1 介质性质 1 1.2 项目概况 2 1.3 项目建设意义 2 1.4 项目建设目的 3 2 工艺方案的确定 3 2.1 乙酸乙酯的生产现状 3 2.2 工艺概述 3 2.3 反应动力学及催化剂 4 3 Aspen 软件模拟 5 3.1 Aspen 软件简介 5 3.2 工艺模拟 5 4 物料衡算与能量衡算 6 4.1 物料衡算概述 6 4.2 物料衡算 6 4.3 能量衡算 15 4.4 能量衡算结果 16 5 设备选型 17 5.1 概述 17 5.2 设备选型原则 17 5.3 设备选型 18 6 车间布置 44 6.1 总体布置 45 6.2 设备布置 45 7 自动控制 46 7.1 概述 46 7.2 PID图 47 7.3 仪表及阀门的选择 47 7.4 各个设备的自动控制 48 8 经济技术分析 49 8.1 经济效益 49


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