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摘 要 聚羧酸系减水剂是国内外公认的新型、绿色环保减水剂,具有掺量低、保塑性强、坍落度损失低、水泥适应性广等优点,研究开发该类减水剂具有良好的研究与应用前景,并且目前在我国的研究尚处于起步阶段。 本文主要以水解聚马来酸酐(PMA)为主链,以聚乙二醇单甲醚(MPEG)为长支链,在催化剂的作用下,并加入一定量的溶剂N-N-二甲基甲酰胺1,酯化温度为85℃,催化剂掺入量为4%,溶剂掺入量为30%。同时采用单因素条件试验法,确定了三乙胺作为催化剂的效果明显优于用NaOH做催化剂的。本文还设计一套完整有效的聚羧酸减水剂的提纯方法:逐步降温沉降法和萃取工艺,使减水剂的综合性能大幅度提高,进一步完善和提高了PMA- MPEG型聚羧酸系高效减水剂的制备工艺。 性能测试结果表明,聚羧酸系高效减水剂减水率可达30%,掺入量为0.3%时,水泥净浆流动度达到235 mm,通过提纯后可达285mm;掺入该高效减水剂0.3%的混凝土,120min坍落度经时损失仅为1.5cm;掺入该高效减水剂0.43%的混凝土,28天混凝土抗压强度比空白实试验高近20Mpa。此外,该高效减水剂与水泥有良好的相容性。因此,通过优化合成工艺,制得的新型聚羧酸系高效减水剂是性能优越的高效减水剂。 关键词:聚羧酸;高效减水剂;酯化;步降温沉降法;萃取;净浆流动度; 塌落度;强度 ABSTRACT Polycarboxylate-type water-reducing agents are reconized both home and abroad as the new and environment-friendly water reducers with a lot of characteristics such as low dosage,strong maintaining plastic,low slump loss and wide adaptability to cement. Researching and developing such water-reducing agent have good prospects for research and application, and current research in our country is still in its infancy. In this paper, together with the hydrolysis of maleic anhydride (PMA)- backbone, with polyethylene glycol monomethyl ether (MPEG) for the long branched-chain, in the role of catalyst and solvent by adding a certain amount of NN-dimethyl-carbamoyl amines, were synthesized through esterification with comb-shaped structure with a high-performance water-reducing agent, and its performance was evaluated. In this paper, orthogonal design test method was used to study the esterification of molar ratio of acid to alcohol, reaction temperature, catalyst content, the volume of solvent and so on ,affecting polycarboxylate superplasticizer performance. Ultimately determined the ideal reaction conditions were: acid alcohol functional group molar ratio of 15:1 , esterification temperature of 85 ℃, catalyst incorporation of 4%, mixed solvent of 30%. At the same time, the conditions of single-factor test to determine the triethylamine as a catalyst was better than the use of NaOH as catalyst. This art



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