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论文设计 论文课题:PLC控制自动门的设计 English topic:PLC control automatic door study design 院 别 物理与电子工程学院 姓 名 学 号 指导教师 PLC控制自动门的设计 摘要:基于可编程控制器具有很好的处理自动门开关控制及良好的稳定性,PLC控制具有较高的可靠性、稳定性、维修方便等优点,自动门的生产商家很多都运用PLC来做门的控制器,PLC控制已成为自动控制中最常见的方式之一。本文是关于PLC控制自动门系统的设计,自动门系统主要由可编程控制器(PLC)、感应器件、驱动装置、传动装置和自动门组成。本课题所设计的自动门应由以下功能,首先自动门应具有手动和自动方式,当信号采集装置检测到有人接近门口且门未打开或者检测到已无人接近门口且门未关闭,PLC动作输出信号开控制点动机正转或者反转来开门或者关门,其次当自动门出现夹人现象时,可闭合紧急停止开关,自动门自动进入开门过程。主要工作原理是感应器件将检测到的人体或物体信号传送到PLC,PLC再综合收到的自动门状态信号作出判断,而后发出控制信号,使驱动装置运行,再通过传动装置带动门的动作。 关键词:自动门;PLC;感应器件;驱动装置 PLC control automatic door study design Abstract: Based on programmable controller has very good deal with automatic switch control and good stability, PLC control has high reliability and stability, convenient maintenance, automatic door production businessman using PLC to do many of the door of the controller, PLC control has become automatic control is the most common means. This paper is about the design of the automatic door PLC control system, automatic door system mainly by the programmable controller (PLC), sensing device, drive device, transmission device and automatic door composition. This subject is the design of automatic door should by the following functions, first automatic door should have both manual and automatic way, when signal acquisition device testing to someone close to the door and the door is not open or close to the door has no one to test and the door is not closed, PLC action output signal control points motivation is open or closed or open the door to FanZhuanLai, second when the automatic door appear clamping phenomenon, but closed emergency stop switch, automatic door open automati


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