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摘 要 为了解决日益严重的环境污染和能源危机的问题,开发了一种以风力的发动机。由于原材料价格不断上涨,小型风力发电机组生产成本,也不断提高,而购买风机的广大农牧民经济收入有限,因此企业销售价不能随着上涨,企业利润空间很小,无利可图,促使有的企业开始转产。如原内蒙古商都牧机厂现在已开始生产并网型大型风力发电机组的塔架,大型电焊机、卷扳机已经到货,正准备投产。有的配套件质量不稳定,性能差,特别是蓄电池,逆变控制器,影响整机发电系统的效率和可靠性。尽管目前风光互补发电系统推广应用很快、需要量大,但由于太阳能电池组件价格太高(每WP30~50元)。如果不是目前国家大量补贴,农牧民自购有较大困难,所以说太阳能电池组价格制约风光互补发电系统的发展。 Abstract In order to solve the increasingly serious environmental pollution and energy crisis, the development of a wind engine. As a result of rising raw material prices, small wind turbine production costs, is also rising, and the purchase of the majority of fans with limited income of farmers and herdsmen, so as the sales price can not rise, corporate profits is very small, unprofitable, to have Transferring the business started. Such as animal husbandry are the original factory in Inner Mongolia have already started to produce large-scale grid-based wind turbines tower, a large welding machine, delivery volumes have been the trigger is ready for production. Matching the quality of some pieces of instability, poor performance, especially the battery, the inverter controller, the impact of the whole power system efficiency and reliability. Despite the current landscape to promote the application of hybrid generating system very quickly, the demand for large, but the solar cell component costs are too high (per WP30 ~ 50 million). If it is not currently a large number of national subsidies, farmers and herdsmen have a more difficult since the purchase, so that the price of solar battery power constraints scenery complementary systems. The design of the main design is 300W small vertical axis wind turbine. Key words: Wind turbines small wind turbines wind vertical axis 第1章 绪论 随着中国对“三农”投入力度加大,经济持续快速发展,广大农、牧、渔民对改善生活环境,提高生活质量,改善农村地区的能源结构,解决生活用电的迫切要求, 作为农村可再生能源主要支柱之一的小型风力发电行业得到长足的发展,不论是参与开发、研制、生产的单位,还是产品产量、国内外销售以及推广应用范围,与上 年相比都有了新的提高,取得了显著的成效。1.1.1从事小型风力发电产业的开发、研制、生产单位不断扩大自中国第一部《可再生能源法》于2005年2月28日在全国人大十一届十四次大会通过以来,可再生能源


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