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毕业设计说明书书 毕业设计说明书书 论文题目 N402—1300型农用拖拉机履带底盘的设计 N402-1300型农用拖拉机底盘的设计 摘 要 根据农田作业对拖拉机的要求,进行履带式农用拖拉机底盘的设计。项目研究对提高农机设计水平和农业机械化技术水平具有重要意义。 应用农业机械学、拖拉机汽车学、机械设计、机械原理等理论,对履带式行走底盘的驱动行走系统进行了理论分析与研究,完成了履带底盘主要工作参数的确定和力学的计算。利用Auto CAD、Pro E等工程软件完成了底盘的整体设计,达到了技术任务书的要求。主要研究结果如下: (1)对履带底盘的总体结构进行了分析,得到了一些特殊的结构组成及其安装方法,其中履带宽353mm,履带总长4300mm左右,轨距1300mm,轮距1600mm,履带高468mm等; (2)设计了履带车辆的基本性能计算,包括驱动力为24.45kw,牵引力为21kw,运动的平均速度在2~5km/h等; (3)对履带张紧的设计及其相关计算,包括弹簧的有效圈数为7,节距12mm,间距7mm等; (4)较为简单的计算了与其相关配套的液压系统,包括液压泵和液压马达的选型及其计算等。 从而,得到了整体的机架与其相关的配合的结构的框架,对以后的进一步分析提供了一定的资料。 关键词 履带 底盘 行走装置 设计 The design of N402-1300-typeChassis agricultural tractors Abstract Agricultural operations in accordance with the requirements of tractors, agricultural tractors to tracked chassis design. Research projects designed to improve the level of agricultural machinery and the technological level of agricultural mechanization is important. Application of agricultural mechanics, tractor automotive science, mechanical design, mechanical and other principles of the theory of the chassis of the crawler drive operating systems running a theoretical analysis and research, the main chassis to complete the track work and mechanical parameters of the calculation. The use of Auto CAD, Pro E, such as engineering software to complete the overall design of the chassis to the technical requirements of the task book. The main findings are as follows: (1) to track the overall structure of the chassis were analyzed by a number of special structure and installation method, which assumed bandwidth 353mm, track length of around 4300mm, gauge 1300mm, wheelbase 1600mm, track 468mm, such as high; 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc233001477 1 引言 PAGEREF _Toc233001477 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc233001478 1.1目的、意义 PAGEREF _Toc233001478 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc233001479 1.2 履带式行走底盘设计的国内外发展状况 PAGEREF _Toc233001479 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc233001480 1.2.1 国外的研究与发展 PAGEREF _Toc233001480 \h 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc


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