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摘要当今室内设计具有相对独立性。随着经济高速发展,人类社会走向富足,人们在文化和物质生活得到迅速满足的同时,也开始讲究和注意自身生活环境的提升,希望建筑和自身的生活紧密相连?,除具有完善使用功能外,还应该具有更多精神享受的内容和更丰富的内涵。新古典主义风格,更像是一种多元化的思考方式,将怀古的浪漫情怀与现代人对生活的需求相结合,兼容华贵典雅与时尚现代,反映出后工业时代个性化的美学观点和文化品位。在别墅设计中能绽放更大的光彩。新古典主义的欧式家居是现在很流行家居室内装修,黑白配的经典设计华丽而实用并存在现代风格的高贵。新古典主义的欧式家居营造一种时尚温馨的高贵家居气氛。新古典主义的欧式家居让回家的人们卸下满身的尘土,忘记城市的喧嚣,摆脱钢筋水泥的世界,沉浸在家的舒适怀抱中,营造一个与自然环境、建筑主体风格和谐,富有东方情趣的居住空间,使主人可以尽情享受雅致的新古典主义的欧式家居生活。高雅而和谐是新古典风格的代名词。本文通过对欧式新古典主义风格家居定义及方案分析的研究摸索出新古典主义为人们营造方便、舒适、科学的家园;注重室内外空间的通透,满足人们对大自然的热爱;注重休闲场所的设计,满足人们休闲生活的需求……我越来越认识到室内设计人性化和人文化的重要性,因为室内是人类生存活动的主要空间,充分考虑人的生理、心理需要,最大程度关心人,是室内设计的本源。关键词:室内设计;欧式新古典主义;空间元素;人性化;ABSTRACTThe interior design has the relative independence. Along with the rapid economic development, human society to rich, people in cultural and material life rapidly meet at the same time, also begin to stress and pay attention to their own living environment of ascension, hope and their own life building closely linked, in addition to a perfect the use function, should also have a more spiritual enjoying content and more rich connotation.Neoclassicism style, more like a diversified way of thinking, the romantic feelings meditate on the past and to the demand of modern life, combining compatible and showily elegance and fashion modern, reflecting the industrial era after the aesthetic viewpoint of individuation of and culture grade. In the design of villa can blossom more brilliance. The new classical European household is now very popular household interior decoration, black and white classical design luxuriant and practical and existence of modern style nobility. The new classical European household to build a kind of fashion warm nobility household atmosphere. The new classical European household let go home of people came off the dust, forget the hustle and bustle of the city, get rid of reinforced concrete world, lost at home arms comfortable, build a and natural environment, architectural main body style harmonious, be full of Oriental taste living space, make h


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