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本科生毕业(设计)论文 海运提单风险防范问题的研究 摘 要 海运提单,简称提单(Bill of Lading,简称B/L)是货物的承运人或其代理人收到货物后,签发给托运人的一种证件。这个证件说明了货物运输有关当事人,如承运人、托运人和收货人之间的权利与义务。 是托运人与承运人的运输契约证明,承运人之所以为托运人承运有关货物,是因为承运人和 托运人之间存在一定的权利义务关系,双方权利义务关系以提单作为运输契约的凭证。 随着中国经济和贸易的发展,对外贸易也在快速增长,逐渐成熟。当今社会国际贸易往来频繁的同时,国际贸易风险事故也日益增多,其中海运提单风险尤为明显,已经成为困扰众多外贸企业的一大难题。在国际商品贸易日益广泛采用象征性的方式以及信用证支付的结算方式的情况下,海运提单成为了交易的关键,是全套结汇单据中最为核心的单据。只要单据与货物的实际情况不符,就有可能遭到买方拒付的风险。所以,海运提单风险的防范就成为了进出口商双方、承运人、银行等当事人以及相关学者关注的焦点。 。 关键词: 国际贸易;海运提单;风险;防范措施 ABSTRACT Bill of lading for short ( bill of lading, the bill of lading is the abbreviation for b ) the carrier or his agent receive the goods, and issued to the shipper, a document. this document for the goods transport on the parties, such as the carrier, the shipper and consignee of the rights and obligations. it is the shipper and the carrier of the contract, the carrier for the carriage of goods by the shipper is about because of the carrier and the shipper is the relationship between rights and obligations, Rights and obligations between the parties to the bill of lading for the contract documents. as chinas economic and trade development, foreign trade is increasing rapidly, and mature. the present international trade frequently at the same time, international trade and increasing the risk of accident, bill of lading is most obvious risk of becoming a number of foreign trade enterprises by a big problem. in international trade in goods is increasingly widespread adoption of symbolic way, and letter of credit the settlement of the cases, Bill of lading for the key is full purchase documents in the core of the document. if documents and the actual level, it is possible to make a serious risk. therefore, the bill of lading risk became a leading dealer in import and export both sides, the carrier, the bank and other parties and relevant focus of attention of scholars. Key Words: International trade ,Marine bill of lading ,risk, Preventive measures 目 录 引 言……………………………………………………………………..1 第一章:海运提单概论 1.1


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