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本科毕业设计说明书 矿变电所主井保护系统设计 DESIGN OF MICRO-COMPUTER PLC CONTROL THE MAIN SHAFT MINE PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR SUBSTATION 学院(部): 电气与信息工程学院 专业班级: 电气08-2班 学生姓名: 焦波波 指导教师: 杨岸副教授 2012年 5 月 25 日 矿变电所主井保护系统设计 摘要 目前,在国内有许多大中型煤矿的提升系统都装配了比较先进的保护装置,以增强对提升机的保护,但有些煤矿因为缺乏资金而没有装配保护装置。因此,研究出实用、可靠性高、经济、适用范围广的提升机综合保护装置有着十分显著的意义。 本设计以淮南矿业集团潘北矿区的变电所为对象进行了变电所高压电气设备选计算、相关继电保护整定的计算、二次回路分析、断路器的闭合闸动作过程以及微机保护的设计。其中变电所一次设备的选型部分主要对主变压器、电容器、架空线和母线的选择以及短路电流的计算和高低压电气柜的选择。二次回路部分主要对10V主井进线测量保护作了简要的分析,同时也对断路器的工作过程及其开闭的动作过程作了全面的分析,在其中辅助大量的电路流程图,以全面的数据和图形剖析了二次回路的工作过程。微机保护部分的设计选用S7-200系列PLC进行硬件系统配置和软件的设计。 关键字:继电保护,PLC,主井保护,电气设备 DESIGN OF MICRO-COMPUTER PLC CONTROL THE MAIN SHAFT MINE PROTECTION SYSTEM FOR SUBSTATION ABSTRACT Currently, there are many large and medium coal mines in the country improve the system are equipped with more advanced protective devices to enhance the protection of the elevator, but some mines due to lack of funds is not equipped with protective devices. Therefore, the developed practical, high reliability, economy, widely applied Integrate backup protection device has a very significant meaning. The design of Huainan Mining Group Pan North mine substation transformer for the objects of the calculations of the high voltage electrical equipment selection, the relevant relay setting calculations, the secondary circuit analysis, circuit breaker action during the closed gate, and microprocessor-based protection design of substation equipment including a main part of the main transformers, capacitors, overhead lines and bus options and short-circuit current calculation and the choice of high and low voltage electrical cabinet. 10KV secondary circuit part of the main line of the main shaft into a brief analysis of measurement of protection, but also the working process of the circuit breaker opening and closing of the action process and a comprehensive analysis, in which a large number of auxiliary circuit flow to comprehensive data and graphical analysis of


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