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摘 要 本文介绍了内螺纹盖的成型工艺,及模具成型结构对塑件质量的影响,浇注系统的设计、顶出系统、模具成型部分和总装结构的设计通过对模具结构方案、模具工作过程以及加工注意事项的详细分析与论述,力图让读者了解注射模的设计程CAD/CAM技术已发展成为一项比较成熟的共性技术模具CAD/CAM技术的硬件与软件价格已降低到中小企业普遍可以接受的程度塑料制件及模具的3D设计与成型过程的3D分析塑料模具工业中发挥越来越重要的作用。 This text has introduced the Internal thread cover, and the structural influence on moulding a quality of mould shaping, pour the systematic design , carry the design of the system , shaping part of the mould and assembly structure out Through to the structural scheme of the mould , working course of the mould and processing the detailed analysis of attentive matters and describing, try hard to let readers understand that inject designing program of the mould CAD/CAM technology has already been developed into one ripe generality technology in recent years, the price of hardware and software of CAD/CAM technology of mould has already been reduced to the general degree that can be accepted of small and medium-sized enterprises, 3D design of Plastics piece make and mould and 3D analyse of molding process plays a more and more important role in plastics mould industry. Analyzed to whole structure and non-standard part designed by oneself of mould of the mould in the design, have checked its various parameters, and has drawn the drawing. During the design,most of the time were spent on design of case part、design of molding part and the design of the mould frame. Pour the system in the design by reaching the latent runner. Unavoidable I met some difficulties in the design,but I have conquered them with my assiduity. The design is an adventruous try on the CAD/CAM technology of plastics pieces and mould,and I believed that it can have certain directive significance on actual production. Keywords: Internal thread cover, injection mold design, CAD / CA 第一章 绪 论 1.1选题依据及意义 在毕业实习期间,通过观察、询问及老师的指导对注塑模有了近一步的了解。鉴于此,以内螺纹盖为塑件,进行注塑模设计。 一个国家模具生产能力的强弱,水平的高低,直接影响着许多工业部门的新产品的开发和旧产品的更新换代,影响着产品质量和经济效益的提高。采用模具生产制件具有生产效益高、质量好、切削少、节约能源和原材料、成本低等一系列优点。模具成型已成为当代工业生产的重要手段,成为多种成型工艺中最有潜力


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