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哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文- PAGE II --基于STC单片机的温度调控系统设计摘要随着微机测量和控制技术的迅速发展与广泛应用,单片机的应用同样正在不断地走向深入,同时带动传统控制检测日新月益更新。在实时检测和自动控制的单片机应用系统中,单片机往往是作为一个核心部件来使用,但仅仅单片机方面知识是不够的,还应根据具体硬件结构,以及具体应用对象特点的软件结合,以作完善。本次设计的主题是基于STC单片机的温度调控系统设计,此次设计的温度控制系统主要是对以STC单片机为主控制单元和以温度测量单元构成的单总线数字温度传感器DS18B20进行研究。该系统将设定温度上下限,并显示检测温度,监测数据。如果温度超过设定参数上限和下限温度,报警系统将由实验时的设置和以自动控制方式实现,从而达到一定范围内温度的监测与控制。系统设计了相关的硬件电路和相关应用程序。硬件电路主要包括STC12C5A60S2单片机最小系统、测温电路、实时时钟电路、LCD液晶显示电路、超温报警电路以及通讯模块电路等。系统程序主要包括主程序,DS18B20通信程序、按键处理程序、LCD显示程序以及数据存储程序等。以单片机为核心的温度采集与控制系统的研发与应用在很大程度上提高了生产生活中对温度的控制水平,经过试验结果得知本次设计的系统是准确的,可行的。关键词 温度采集;DS18B20;STC单片机;测试程序;超温报警电路Based on STC single chip microcomputer temperature control system designAbstractAlong with the computer measurement and control technology of the rapid development and wide application, the application of SCM is to keep at the same time, traditional control testing update on Crescent benefits. In real-time detection and automatic control system of single-chip applications, often as a single-chip core component to use only single-chip is not enough knowledge, but also the specific hardware structure and the specific features of application software objects combine to make perfect.The theme of this design is based on the STC single-chip temperature control system design.The experiment of temperature control system based on STC control unit and the temperature measuring unit consisting of a single bus digital temperature sensor DS research 18B20. The system can be expected to detect the preset temperature, display time and save monitoring data. An alarm will be given by system if the temperature exceeds the upper and lower limit value of the temperature which can be set discretionarily and then automatic control is achieved, thus the temperature is achieved monitoring intelligently within a certain range.The system design of the hardware circuit and the related applications. The hardware circuit including STC12C5A60S2MCU minimum system, a temperature measurement circuit, clock circ


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