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PAGE 摘 要 根据设计任务书要求和设计规范的规定,毕业设计主要是关于合肥马鞍山路南北高架小跨度预应力混凝土连续梁桥某标段上部结构的设计。预应力混凝土连续梁桥以结构受力性能好、变形小、伸缩缝少、行车平顺舒适、养护工程量小、抗震能力强等而成为最富有竞争力的主要桥型之一。本着“安全、经济、美观、实用”八字原则,对合肥马鞍山路南北高架桥的某段其中一联进行了设计。该联分为四跨,取每跨28m,上部结构为连续梁。桥墩是柱式墩。施工方法选为满堂支架就地浇筑施工。 第一部分进行上部结构的计算。拟定连续箱梁截面,对428m跨径进行了很详细的单元划分,计算恒载内力和活载内力,部分采用采用桥梁博士软件进行了预应力筋钢束配筋和应力验算,且按新规范进行了预应力损失的计算。 第二部分进行下部结构的计算。主要包括了桥墩墩柱的计算很盐酸。盖梁活载横向分布系数在荷载对称布置时采用杠杆法,非对称布置时采用偏心受压法进行计算。桩基础采用“m法”,墩柱采用偏心受压构件进行了计算。 关键词: 预应力混凝土连续梁桥 马鞍山路 墩柱 满堂支架施工 Abstract According to the design plan requirements and design requirements, graduation is on the Ma On Shan Road, the main north-south elevated small span prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge superstructure design of one section. Prestressed concrete continuous beam bridge with good mechanical properties of the structure, deformation is small, brSmall joints, the driving comfort comfortable, a small amount of maintenance work, such as seismic ability to become the most competitive one of the main bridge. The spirit of quot;security, economic, aesthetic, practicalquot; character principle, Ma On Shan Road on the north and south of the viaduct Hefei certain one of the joint is designed. The Union is divided into four cross, take every cross-28m, the upper structure of the beam. Column pier is pier. Full Support in-place construction method chosen placement and construction. brThe first part of the calculation of the upper structure. Development of continuous box girder cross-section of 4 28m span was very detailed unit to calculate the internal force and dead load live load internal forces, part of the software used by Dr. bridge beam reinforcement and prestressed tendons stress check, and under the new specification Prestress losses were calculated. brThe lower part of the second part of the structure calculation. Include a pier cap beam, pier pier calculations. Capping beam transverse live load distribution factors used in the Load Lever symmetrically, asymmetrical arrangement of eccentric compr



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