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摘 要 上段时间闹的轰轰烈烈的西安停车难事件,映射出我国大中城市停车难的问题进入普及化的阶段,再次使得我国地方政府对于城市交通管理和发展的问题受到广大民众和专家的热议。而另一方面,哈大高铁的落成和运行,体现出我国对于新兴的交通工具的发展和应用得到进一步的提升。我国在“十二五”之后,党中央、国务院对于城市交通的发展和管理的重视程度越来越大,地方政府也越来越重视解决城市交通的问题,务求令到现在各个城市都普遍存在的交通堵塞、停车难、城市交通管理水平低下等问题得到缓解和解决。而进入信息时代,对于城市交通管理的发展,则必须要紧紧地把握好新时代下创新的管理理论与先进的科技手段两者相互结合,充分发挥城市交通对于城市社会经济发展、人民安居乐业的积极作用。因此,本文着重研究我国城市管理的现状,借鉴先进城市的交通管理经验,探讨我国城市交通管理未来发展的方向与目标。 关 键 词:城市交通管理;交通道路系统;交通管理理论;交通管理改革 ABSTRAC In the period of time,parking difficult events from XiAn City?reflect the problems of parking difficult for the most cities of China, which become more and more popular.?Once again it makes the phenomenon of local government seeking the solution of?urban traffic management and development of the issue is more interested by the public and experts. On the other hand, high-speed rail from Harbin to Dalians completion means that China has become the lead in the application of the technology of?high-speed rail.?After the twelfth five-year, it is paid more and more attention to?the development and management of urban traffic from the centre of China. So does the local government. They both try to find the solution to the?traffic, parking difficulty,?low?city traffic management level. After the information era,?the development of city traffic management?must want to tightly hold good innovation under the new era of management theory and advanced technology, which are combined with each other, making?the positive role of?urban social economic development and the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Therefore, in this paper, we try to find?the present situation of the urban management in China,?the experience of advanced urban traffic management and look out the?direction and goal of?the urban traffic management for the future development. Keywords: City Traffic Control and Management; Road traffic system; theory of Traffic management; mode of Traffic management 目 录 1 城市交通管理体制概论 1 2. 我国城市交通发展现状与问题 2 2.1我国城市交通规划发展历程[4] 2 2.2我国城市交通发展现状与问题 2 2.2


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