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本科生毕业论文 题 目: 利用碱渣制备白色阿利尼特水泥 英文题目: Preparation of White Alinite Cement from Sode Residue 学 院: 材料科学与工程学院 专 业: 材无机非金属材料工程 班 级: 姓 名: 学 号: 指导教师: 2011年 6 月 15 日 摘 要 随着纯碱工业的不断发展,碱渣的堆积问题越来越严重,而且污染生态环境。目前,水泥产业规模庞大,在水泥生产中利用廉价的废弃物,变废为宝,是解决这一问题的重要途径之一。本试验采用碱渣、石灰石为水泥主要原料,以叶腊石为辅助作料,制备白色阿利尼特水泥。通过分析其主要成分发现,碱渣化学成分与砂岩(石灰石)很接近,可以部分或全部取代石灰石用作水泥原料。本实验在了解碱渣的物理性能基础上,用碱渣取代部分石灰石,研究、设计生料配比方案,对生料煅烧制度进行研究,确定最佳石膏掺量。对烧出的熟料矿物性能进行分析后,制备得到白色阿利尼特(Alinite)水泥,测试其各项物理性能表明,用碱渣煅烧水泥的各项性能均符合国家标准,28d抗折强度达4.6MPa,抗压强度达45MPa,而且该水泥白度高、粘性均比普通硅酸盐水泥好,是一种很好的建筑胶凝材料。而且以碱渣制得的白色水泥的煅烧温度低(1150℃),白水Alinite水泥不仅低温形成、低钙组成,而且熟料易磨。烧好的熟料不需快速急冷,初凝终凝时间间隔短,具有快硬早强的特点。因此,利用碱渣生产水泥不但可节约资源,而且可减轻环境污染,因而具有良好的应用前景。 关键词:碱渣,白水泥,Alinite,煅烧温度,强度。 Abstract With the continuous development of soda ash industry, the alkaline up problems, and pollution of ecological environment is more and more serious. At present, the cement industry, large scale in the cement production process ,taking advantage of cheap waste reuse, to solve the problem, is one of the important ways. This test will use the alkaline and cement limestone as main material for synthesizing auxiliary condiments, preparation of the white cement Alinite. Through the analysis of the main ingredients found that chemical composition and removing sandstone (limestone) is very close, can some or all of the raw materials used for cement instead. This experiment in understanding the physical properties of the alkaline based on removing part of limestone, replace with research, the design scheme of raw material, ratio of raw material calcined system, to determine the optimal dosage of gypsum. To burn out the clinker mineral performance analysis and prepare getting white alisher nita (Alinite) cement, the physical performance shows that in alkaline cement firing of various performance which conform to the national standard, 28 d the flexural strength of 4.6 MPa, compressive strength with winds of 45


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