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论文题目:粒子追踪测速(PTV)算法设计与编程实现 学生姓名:XXX 指导教师:XXX 摘 要 粒子跟踪测速(PTV)是一种全新无扰、瞬态、全场速度测量的方法,直接跟踪流场中的示踪粒子的运动,它的原理很简单,就是在流场中撒入示踪粒子,假设示踪粒子的运动准确代表了其所在流场内相应位置流体的运动。首先使用脉冲片光源照射流场中的一个测试平面,利用这些粒子对光的散射作用,使用成像的方法记录下流场中粒子的位置,然后对连续两帧或者多帧图像进行处理分析,得出各点粒子的位移,最后根据粒子位移和曝光的时间间隔,便可以计算出流场中各点的速度矢量,进而可以得到其他的参数。PTV图像的处理过程主要包括粒子识别和粒子配对过程,在PTV技术研究中,粒子识别过程一般采用统一灰度阈值的方法来确认,粒子配对则有许多不同的匹配方法。本文研究内容的重点是粒子配对过程,通过对几种PTV匹配算法的介绍并且比较它们的优缺点,选出其中一种匹配算法进行改进并通过编程实现,然后分别以模拟流场和实际流场对算法进行验证,用算法获得的流场速度分布与实际流场对比来评估该算法的优劣和适用性。 关键词:PTV;匹配算法;编程实现 Title: the Algorithm Design of PTV and Programming Realization name: XXX Supervisor: XXX ABSTRACT PTV is a brand new , instant state way without interference to measure the speed of all the field, directly tracing the movement of seeding particles in a field。Its theory is very simple: dropping seeding particles in a field, let’s suppose the movement of seeding particles significantly represents the movement of the fluid’s positions.Firstly, we make the pulse piece light source to ray a testing plane in the field,utilizing the scattering effect of the particles to light, making use of the imaging method to record the location of the particles in the flow field, then analyzing two or more images which are in series, the result is the displacement of every particle, in the end, in accordance with the displacement of a particle and the time interval of exposure ,we can caculate the speed vector of every particle in the flow field, and so do the other parameters. The process of PTV image mainly includes the process of particle identification and particle matching, from the PTV technical study, the process of particle identification usually utilize the same gray threshold to confirm, however, the process of particle matching have diverse range of matching measures. The essay mainly research the process of particle matching, by introducing some PTV matching measures, comparing their relative merits, and improving one of them by programming, then validating by simulation field and r


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