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基于单片机的可编程控制器的设计 专业: 目 录 摘要 1 Abstract 2 引言 3 1 可编程逻辑控制器控制系统的功能需求分析 6 1.1控制系统的硬件功能分析 6 1.2控制系统的软件功能分析 6 2 可编程控制器控制系统的硬件设计 7 2.1 单片机的选用 7 2.2模拟芯片的简介 7 2.3 电源电路的设计 8 2.4可编程控制器输出输入电路的设计 10 2.5 模拟输入输出电路的设计 12 2.6整个原理图的设计 12 2.7 生成PCB及敷铜 12 3 编程控制系统软件设计及调试 14 结论 18 致谢 19 参考文献 20 附录1 编程控制器控制系统的原理图及实物图 21 附录2 编程控制器的程序模版 21 摘要 随着自动化智能产品的大量兴起,民用自动化产品更新换代极快,要求自动控制系统的精度、工作效率大大提高,所以民用自动控制前景很大,自动控制系统主要采用PLC进行控制,但PLC价格昂贵。由于单片机价格低廉、使用简单、精度高等特点,本设计采用单片机制作控制器,来实现PLC的控制功能,设计人员只需一点C语言基础,就可以编写可编程控制器的程序。根据控制要求设计电路,最终制作出能实现控制器功能的PCB板,即为用户降低设计成本,又能方便设计人员使用。 编程语言使用C语言的可编程控制器扩大了使用人群的范围,并且有程序的工程模版,很大程度上降低了编程的难度。接线操作简单,控制对象不管是交流、直流均可,并且控制精准。支持模拟量的输入输出,控制更智能。PCB电路板经过敷铜处理,极大的提高了抗干扰性。 关键词: 单片机;可编程控制器;C Abstract With a growing number of automated intelligence products, civilian automation product replace fast, automatic control system requires precision and efficiency are both been greatly improved, so large civil automatic control have a bright future. automatic control system is mainly controlled by PLC, but it is very expensive. Compared with PLC, the microcontroller is cheap, easy to use, high precision, the design uses single-chip controller to achieve PLC control functions, designers need a little C programming knowledge, you can use it to control. According to the control requirements of circuit design, it can made PCB board with the same control function .It can reduce design costs, but also facilitate the designer. Most of the people can use the special programmable controller , expand the scope of using crowd, programme greatly redue the difficutly of program . Wiring is simple, the control object whether it is AC or DC .They can both wrok and be accurate. Supporting analog input and output, control more intelligently. PCB circuit board through copper processing, greatly improves the immunity. The results tell the truth, the control system controlling civilian exhibit excellent stability and good runnability. Keywords: microcontroller; programmable controller; C 引言 可编程逻辑控制器


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