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2.淋巴转移 一级组: 包括宫旁、宫颈旁、或输尿管旁、闭孔、髂内、 髂外、髂总淋巴结 二级组:包括腹股沟深浅、腹主动脉旁淋巴结。 3.血行转移 少见。可转移至肺、肾或脊柱 The FIGO Staging System for Cervix Cancer I carcinoma confined to cervix IA Invasive cancer only microscopically. All gross lesions, stage IB stromal invasion with a maximum depth of 5 mm and no wider than 7 mm. Vascular space involvement, either venous or lymphatic, not alter the staging.) IA1 invasion stroma no greater than 3 mm in depth and no wider than 7 mm. IA2 invasion stroma greater than 3 mm and no greater than 5 mm in depth and no wider than 7 mm. IB lesions greater than IA. IB1 lesions no greater than 4 cm in size. IB2 lesions greater than 4 cm in size. II The carcinoma extends ,not extended on to the pelvic wall; involves the vagina, not as far as the lower third. IIa No obvious parametrial involvement. IIb Obvious parametrial involvement III extended on to the pelvic wall; involves the lower third of the vagina; with a hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney should be included IIIa involvement the lower third of the vagina. IIIb Extension to the pelvic wall or hydronephrosis or nonfunctioning kidney. IV extended beyond the true pelvis or has involved the mucosa of the bladder or rectum. IVa Spread of the growth to adjacent organs. IVb Spread to distant organs. 临床表现 症状 阴道流血 尤其接触性出血,发生在性生活后或妇科检查后。 (1) 早期:流血量少;晚期:流血量大。 (2) 外生型癌: 出血早,血量多。 内生型癌:出血晚, 血量少。 (3)年轻患者也可表现月经失调;老年患者绝经后阴道流血。 2.阴道排液 阴道排液增多,白色或血性,稀薄如水样或米泔状,有腥臭。 3.晚期癌的症状 : (1)侵犯症状:尿频、尿急、肛门坠胀、大便秘结、里急后重、下肢肿痛等; (2)压迫症状:严重时导致输尿管梗阻、肾盂积水,最后尿毒症。 (3)疾病末期:恶液质。 体征 早期病变,无明显病灶,宫颈光滑或轻度糜烂。 外生型:宫颈赘生物呈息肉状或乳头状突起,继而形成菜花状赘生物,易触血。 内生型: 宫颈肥大、质硬,宫颈管膨大如桶状。 如阴道浸润,则阴道壁有赘生物;如旁组织有浸润,则两侧增厚,结节状。 诊断 根据病史、症状和体征,详细全身检查及妇科三合诊检查; 辅助检查: 1.宫颈刮片: 用于筛查宫颈癌。注意:必须在宫颈移行带区刮片检查。涂片用巴氏染色,结果分五级。III级以上应重复刮片或行宫颈活检。II级消炎后复查。 2.碘试验 将碘溶液涂在宫颈和阴道壁上,观察其着色情况。(碘+糖原) 3.阴道镜检查(Colposcopy) 宫颈刮片细胞学检查III级或III级以上,荧光监测阳性患者,应行阴道镜检查。 4.宫颈和宫颈管活组织检查(Biopsy) 是确诊宫颈癌及其癌前病变的方法。 选择宫颈鳞-柱交接处3、6、9、12点处取4点活检 应用小刮匙刮宫颈管,活检物及刮出物分瓶送病检。 5.宫颈锥切


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