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摘 要 本文是从作为一名绘画实践者的角度来浅析绘画中的抽象因素,共分两部 分来对其进行简述,第一部分讲述抽象因素在绘画中的意义,我引用沃林格的 “艺术意志”概念以及阿恩海姆的“意象”概念来阐述艺术的主体性、艺术作 品是艺术家主观能动性的产物,艺术家的主观性显现在任何一个创作环节中, 而艺术家的主观感受必须来源于感性世界并且与理性相结合,才能获得生动感 人超越平凡高度的艺术作品。 第二部分从画面结构与力的节奏、造型的提炼、空间表现、抽象感觉的作 用四个方面来论述抽象因素在绘画中的实践具体应用。抽象因素在具象绘画中 是具象之后的有力支撑和丰富画面的有力手段。画面中具象的人物、物体是实 体,而把它们在画面层层分解开,抽象因素在任何一个层次上支撑着。抽象感 觉不仅是这些形式上的抽象因素的统摄更是整幅画要传达的精神,抓住事物的 “神”更容易得到艺术家想要的效果,精神是至高无上的。整篇文章是旨在将 艺术感受与实践理性的高度相结合。 关键词:绘画;抽象因素;主体;意义;具体应用 4 Abstract The article analysis abstract factor of painting as I’m a drawing practitioner briefly, come to sketch by two parts, Part I gives an account of the abstract factor significance in painting , I quote the concepts of Worringers Art will and Arnheims imago coming to elaborate art’s subjective , art work is the outcome of artists’ conscious activity. Artists subjective appearance in any link of their work, and only artists subjective feeling originates in the perceptual world and unifies with the rationality, their art work can obtain the vivid touching and surmount ordinary. Part II to discuss concrete practice of the abstract factor in drawing by the four aspects: the structure of picture and the force rhythm 、the refining of shape 、the space performance 、the effect of abstract feeling. The abstract factor after the embodiment drawing is the powerful support and make picture much richer. In the picture the embodiment characters and the objects are entities, but decomposes them layer upon layer, the abstract factor is supporting in any level. Not only the abstract feeling is the control of these form abstract factors but also the spirit of the entire picture must transmit, holds the “spirit” of the things artists described is easily to obtain th


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