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摘要 本文论述了 1800 年—1845 年间英国公立疯人院的建立,并重点分析 了促动疯人院建立的原因。文章以当时英国社会的剧烈变动为视角,探讨了 对疯人院建立有重大影响的四个原因。这四个方面的原因分别是:政府立法 的引导与规范、市场经济发展的促进、改革者的推动和医学治疗方式的改变。 政府法令的引导与规范在疯人院逐渐建立的过程中起着最主要的主导作用, 而市场经济的发展是其背后的最大推动力量,改革者与医学治疗也在一定程 度上推动影响着疯人院的建立。通过对这四个原因的分析与探讨, 十九世纪 上半期英国疯人院的建立是一种社会对偏离行为的控制手段,反映了社会发 展与变化对社会秩序的诉求。近代英国对疯癫病人的管理及关注,对当今的 中国也是有借鉴意义的。 关键词:疯人院、社会控制、疯癫史、疯人 Abstract This article briefly narrates the gradually establishment of public asylums from 1800 to 1845 in England, and emphasizes on the reasons of stimulating to the establishment. Through the perspective of dramatic changes in British society at that time, the article discusses on four developing and changing areas which promote the establishing of public asylums. These four aspects are: the Government legislation’s guidance and regulation, the promoting of the developing market economy, driving of reformers and changing on medical treatment. Government’s legislation is the most pivotal force on promoting the establishment of public asylums, the developing market economy is the strongest potential driving force to the process, reformers and medical treatment also make impact on a certain extent. Through the research and discussion on these four dimensions, the establishment of public asylums, as a social control method to the social deviation, reflects particular requirements of a developing and changing society to its social order. The pattern of concerning and administrating lunatics in modern England is also a reference to today’s China. Key Words: lunatic asylum, public asylum, lunatic, madness, social control, social order, insanity 目录 第 1 章 导论 1 1.1 国外研究现状 4 1.2 国内研究现状 1 1.3 论文的研究价值 5 第 2 章 历史背景 7 2.1 谁是疯人? 7 2.2 近代英


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