追求教师专业发展 _ 中学英语教师案例研究.pdf

追求教师专业发展 _ 中学英语教师案例研究.pdf

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS This thesis couldn’thave been completed without theassistance ofmany people. First of all, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor Associate Professor Liu Yunqiu, who encouraged me to go ahead step by step on my way of writing this thesis. She took time from his busy schedule to read the draft of my thesis patiently and made constructive suggestions on improvement.Her generous and timely help has made thethesis much better thanit would have been otherwise. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all the other faculty members in the School of Foreign Languages of East China Normal University. It is their guidance that helps me to grow up from the one who knew little about academic writing into agraduatewho longs forsharing ideas in abetterorganized way. Special gratitude would be granted to all the teachers involved in the study whose generous share of their experience provides an abundant and meaningful resource for my exploration. Without their help, the completion of the thesis will be impossible. I am in debt to my classmates and friends who have helped me in one way or another. They have made my studies at this university a valuable and unforgettable experience. Finally, I would like to acknowledge the constant support and encouragement ofmy family during my thesis writing. 摘要 1 随着《新课程标准》的颁布,中国的基础教育正在经历一场天翻地覆的改革。 尽管学生是教育改革成效的直接体现者,教师却是教育改革的执行者,直接关乎 先进教学理念的实施与教育改革的成败。为了提高教师素质,保证教学质量,贯 彻教改理念,教师的职业发展成成为各方关注的焦点。 在此教育改革背景之下,本研究以叙事的方式,选取四位中学英语教师(其 中两位为资深教师,两位为新手教师)为案例研究对象,以各位老师的学习、教 学和职业发展经历为研究资料,通过课堂观察和访谈对比资深教师和新手教师在 教师知识和教师信念方面的差异,深入探究资深老师的职业发展发展历程以及他 们职业发展的环境,理解新手教师的职业发展需要和途径,为新手教师的职业发 展出谋划策。研究发现,资深教师在多样、充分的职业发展之后,在教师知识和 教师信


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