江苏省南京市秦淮区2014高考英语 暑假作业 基础训练九.docVIP

江苏省南京市秦淮区2014高考英语 暑假作业 基础训练九.doc

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南京市秦淮区2014高考英语(暑假基础训练(9)附答案 Ⅰ.完形填空 In the modern Olympic Games the longest running race is called the Marathon.It gets its__1__from a town in Greece called Marathon which is 26 miles from __2__,the capital of Greece.This is the story of why the Marathon race is __3__in the Olympic Games. Once there was an ancient Greek soldier called Phidippides.He ran so fast that he was often sent on __4__journeys with important messages.One day the leaders of Athens realized that their city was going to be __5__.They sent their army to the small town of Marathon,where they fought their __6__.It was a very long and hard battle,but at last the army from Athens __7__.They were very happy.However,they knew that the people of Athens would be wondering what had happened.So they asked Phidippides to go to Athens and tell them the __8__news. Phidippides set off.He was very __9__after all the fighting but he ran as fast as he could.As he got near Athens he began to __10__.His head was bursting and he could __11__breathe.As he got to the centre of the city,he __12__to the ground.All the people rushed up to him.Phidippides opened his mouth.“Athens is saved!”he cried.Then he fell down __13__.His story became so __14__that it is remembered by the Marathon race of 26 miles,which is the __15__from Marathon to Athens. 1.A.fame        B.reputation C.name D.brand 解析:选C。此处指马拉松的名字的来由。 2.A.New York B.Athens C.Paris D.Vancouver 解析:选B。根据下文及常识可知Athens是希腊的首都。 3.A.included B.contained C.had D.owned 解析:选A。马拉松是奥林匹克运动会中的一个比赛项目,是部分与整体的关系,is included表示“被包括在内”。 4.A.near B.short C.long D.distant 解析:选C。从下文Phidippides被派去26英里外的雅典把战争获胜的消息告诉雅典人,可知他经常被派去很远的地方送信。 5.A.fought B.attacked C.taken D.covered 解析:选B。从下文中的battle可知敌人准备袭击雅典。 6.A.enemies B.opponents C.soldiers D.competitors 解析:选A。此处指与敌人打仗。 7.A.defeated B.beaten C.won D.fought 解析:选C。战争胜利应用win而不是defeat或beat,defeat或beat的对象是人、军队等。 8.A.good B.bad C.expected D.unexpected 解析:选A。此处指打了胜仗这个好消息。 9.A.happy B.upset C.excited D.tired 解析:选D。由于打完仗后还被派去那么远的地方送信,当



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