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摘 要 周期性是一种非常重要的数学模式. 周期函数和周期数列经常用来描述生 物、化学、物理等学科中的各种现象. 而在整个学校数学课程的各个学段,均涉 及到周期的概念. 为了解高中学生对周期性概念的理解情况,本研究具体对高中学生对周期 性、周期现象的理解情况、对于函数周期概念的理解情况、能否对简单的周期 现象给予正确的数学刻画和对一般周期函数性质的应用水平和能力状况等四个 问题进行研究. 本研究以本市两所市实验性示范性高中、一所普通公办高中和一所民办高 中. 每所学校选取了高一、高二年级各一个班级共285 名学生为样本,进行问卷 调查和个别访谈. 研究发现: 1. 虽然大部分高中生对周期性的描述比较完整,对周期现象的举例比较准确, 能够对生活中存在的周期现象所有感受,但是仍有近40% 的学生不能够完 整、准确描述周期现象. 2. 高中生在对用不同的表征方式表达的周期函数的理解上差异较大,其中学生 对列表形式理解上最为困难. 对不连续的周期函数图像理解不如连续函数. 3. 学生对简单的周期现象给予数学刻画的能力比较差. 4. 虽然高中学生对一般周期函数的简单运用能力较好,但是对抽象的周期函数 的性质掌握较差. 基于通过调查得出的结论,针对目前高中学生在学习、理解周期性概念的 过程中所遇到的困难和所犯的错误,提出一些教学建议,可作为教师选择教学 策略、改进教学方法的参考. 关键词:周期性,周期函数,高中学生 i ABSTRACT Periodicity patterns play an important role in mathematics. Mathematical periodic functions and series are often used to describe phenomena in many subjects such as biology, chemistry, physics and so on. The concept of periodicity appears throughout mathematics in school curriculum. In order to get to know students’ understanding of the concept of periodicity, the research aims at the following four questions: How do the high school students understand the phenomena of periodicity and the concept of periodicity? How do the high school students understand the mathematical periodic functions? Are the high school students able to describe a simple periodic phenomenon with mathematical model correctly? How do the high school students apply the nature of the periodic function? This research is conducted in two experimental demonstrations of senior high school, a common public high school and a private high school in this city. In each school, 285students from one class in Grade one and Grade two were selected to do the survey and individual interview. Research findings : 1. Most students can give a full description of periodicity, an accurate illustration to this phe


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