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( 20__ 届) 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目 A公司员工福利现状、问题及对策研究 学 院 专 业 人力资源管理 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师 摘 要:员工福利作为社会保障的核心部分,是企业为了保障员工的生活,激励员工努力工作,从而实现企业战略目标的重要手段。随着现今越来越提倡以人为本的战略,一个企业要想保留住为企业创造财富和价值的员工,就应该用适当的福利模式吸引人才,留住人才。 本文着重探讨了员工福利的相关理论知识,并结合A公司的福利体系管理现状,通过员工福利满意度调查,不仅了解A公司福利现状存在的问题,还可以了解员工的不同需求,尽量达到公平的原则。根据福利管理中存在的问题,分析其存在的原因,针对A公司的实际情况提出相关解决对策,进行可行性分析,从员工需求着手,以提高员工满意度为目的,设计一套具有实物、现金、服务和机会型的弹性福利方案,让员工选择不同的福利,使企业福利制度更加合理、科学、公平性化。 关键词:福利制度;福利管理对策;弹性福利;员工满意度调查 Abstract: Employee benefits is the core of the social security part of the enterprise to protect the lives of employees, motivate employees to work hard to achieve the strategic objectives of an important means of business. With today's increasingly advocated people-centered strategy, a business want to retain for enterprises to create wealth and value of staff, you should use the appropriate welfare model to attract and retain qualified personnel. This article focuses on the theoretical knowledge related to employee benefits, combined with the welfare of Management of A Company, through the employee satisfaction survey to find a problem in corporate welfare state. You can also learn by investigating the different needs of employees, as far as possible the principle of fairness. According to benefits administration problems, analyzing the reason of its reasons, aim at the A company actual situation for enterprise to design a flexible benefit plans, giving them a choice of different benefits. Make business welfare getting more reasonable, more science, and more equity turn. On this foundation, progress viability assessment, in order to push the future in the enterprise. Key words: Welfare system; Flexible Benefits; We


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