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第26 卷第8 期 怀化学院学报 Vol1261No1 8 2 0 0 7 年 8 月 JOURNAL OF HUA IHUA UNIVERSITY Aug . 2 0 0 7 大学英语语法教学的重要性及其课堂教学模式探讨 杨善江 ( , 213164) : 语法教学在语言教学中经历了一 个由尊崇到摒弃再到理性认识的过程探讨语法在 学英语教学中 的重要性, 并重点介绍交际法框架内的几种主要的语法课堂教学模式: 显性语法教学和隐性语法教学结合, 增加显 性教学成分; 以归纳法为主, 归纳演绎和类比三种方法并用; 按照 / 四步0 教学模式, 组织语法课堂教学实践; 构建 / 任务+ 语篇0 的动态语法教学模式 : 语法教学; 学英语; 重要性; 交际法; 教学模式 : H314 : A : 1671- 9743 ( 2007) 08- 0148- 03 Discussion on the Importance of Grammar Teaching in College English and Classroom Teaching Model YANG Shan- jiang ( Changzhou Text ile Garment I nst itute , Changzhou, Jiangsu 213164 ) Abstract: Grammar t aching has s n chang s from b ing valu d to b ing ignor d and th n b ing r cogniz d rationally again. This pap r discuss s th importanc of grammar t aching in Coll g English and som classroom grammar t aching t chniqu s und r commnicativ approach. Th m thods ar as follows: 1) Explicit and implicit approach s should b combin d tog th r, and xplicit t aching should b giv n mor conc rn; 2) Inductiv , d ductiv and analogical m thods should b int grat d, with th induction put in th first plac ; 3) Follow th / Four- st p0 grammar t aching proc dur , i , pr s ntation, xplanation, practic and valuation. 4) Construct a n w / Task + Discours 0 dynamic grammar t aching mod l. Key words: grammar t aching; coll g English; importanc ; commnicativ approach; t aching mod l , 2000 5 , 6 ( 试行) 2003 56 ( 试 , ) ) ) 行) , , , , , ,


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