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***大学 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 题 目:学生姓名:学 号:专 业: 班 级: 指导教师:白云鄂博尾矿CaO/Al2O3比和SiO2/ CaO比变化对微晶玻璃各项性能的影响。通过对微晶玻璃试样的各项性能分析,最终确定合理的玻璃配方及制备工艺。 关键词:微晶玻璃;尾矿;粉煤灰;基础成分 The ratio of the base glass tailings Baiyun Obo – fly ash glass Abstract The glass-ceramic with excellent mechanical, thermal, electrical and chemical properties. Has been widely applied in the field of defense, aerospace, electronics, chemistry, biology, medicine, mechanical engineering and construction. This experiment take Baiyun Obo tailings and fly ash as main raw material, add a little of chemical raw materials. Researching the influence of different basic composition of glass-ceramics on performance, and transform basic composition of Slag glass ceramics to research the regular of melting temperature viscosity, nuclear mechanism and the altering phase composition in crystallization process; Researching influential regular and mechanism of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance by changing basic ingredients of slag glass ceramics; explore the relationship between slag glass-ceramic phase composition and crystalline microstructure and basic ingredients. The subject mainly studies CaO / MgO ratio, CaO/Al2O3 ratio and SiO2 / CaO ratio on performance of the glass-ceramic. Analyze by the each performance of glass-ceramic sample, and ultimately make the glass formulation and preparation process. Keywords: glass-ceramic; tailings; fly ash; basic composition 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 目录 III 第一章 文献综述 1 1.1用白云鄂博尾矿和粉煤灰制作微晶玻璃的可行性 1 1.2用白云鄂博尾矿和粉煤灰制作微晶玻璃的优点 2 1.2.1我国尾矿基本现状及综合利用情况 2 1.2.2粉煤灰基本现状及综合利用情况 2 1.3微晶玻璃的性能、应用与研究现状 3 1.3.1微晶玻璃简介 3 1.3.2制备工艺 3 1.3.3微晶玻璃的生产与应用 4 1.3.4微晶玻璃的研究现状 5 1.4研究内容 5 1.5选题的目的意义 6 第二章 实验设计 7 2.1实验方案设计 7 2.2实验原料 7 2.2.1白云鄂博尾矿和粉煤灰 9 2.2.2化学试剂 9 2.3实验设备 9 2.4微晶玻璃制备流程 10 2.5检测项目 11 2.5.1差热分析(DTA) 11 2.5.2物相分析(XRD) 11 2.5.3显微结构分析(SEM) 12 2.5.4抗弯强度 12 2.5.5耐酸碱实验 13 2.5.6体积密度 14 第三章 实验结果与分析 16 3.1热工艺制度 16 3.2钙镁比对微晶玻璃结构性能的影响 16 3.2.1配方分析 18 3.2.2微晶玻璃 XRD分析 19 3.2.3微晶玻璃DTA分析 19


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