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摘 要 汽车传动系是汽车的核心组成部分。其任务是调节变换发动机的性能,将动力有效而经济地传至驱动车轮,以满足汽车的使用要求。变速器是完成传动系任务的重要部件,也是决定整车性能的主要部件之一。变速器的设计水平对汽车的动力性、燃料经济性、换挡操纵的可靠性与轻便性、传动平稳性与效率等都有直接的影响。,轿车变速器的设计趋势为增大变速器传递功率与重量之比,并要求变速器具有较小的尺寸和良好性能。双中间轴变速器具有广泛的适用性,良好的整车匹配性。广泛匹配载重车、自卸车、牵引车及各种专用车辆和特种车辆,为重型汽车的升级换代提供较好优化配置。双中间轴双中间轴 ADrivetrain is the core components of automobile. Its task is transforming and regulateing the performance of engine. Transmission can effectively and economically conveyed the power to the wheel which can meet the requirement of vehicles. Transmission is the important part of drivetrain components to complete the tasks. as well as one of the main factor to decide the whole performance of vehicle. The standards of Transmission designing can directly impact the vehicle dynamics, fuel economy, the reliability and portability of shifting, the smoothness and efficiency of Transmiting. Along with the development of the automobile industry, the trend of car transmission designing is to increase its transmission power and decrese its weight ,and hope have smaller size and excellent performance. This paper mainly describes the design of ten block manual transmission, the transmission principle of work elaborated, Transmission of the gear shaft and do a detailed design, and the intensity of a school. For some standard parts for the selection. Transmission Trans mission program design. A brief description of the trans mission of all components of the material choice. Keywords: work elaborated、Transmission、Twin countershaft transmission 目 录 摘要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 概述 1 第2章 总体方案设计 1 2.1 本课题基本前提条件和技术要求 2 2.1.1 基本前提条件 2 2.1.2 技术要求 2 2.2 结构方案确定 2 2.2.1 传统自卸式垃圾车的结构分析 2 2.2.2 本垃圾车的结构特点 2 2.2.3 垃圾车载质量利用系数提高 2 2.2.4 垃圾车压缩比提高 3 2.2.5 合理选择压缩机构液压控制方式 3 2.2.6 车辆密封 5 第3章 垃圾车的整体设计 5 3.1 垃圾车质量参数确定 5 3.1.1 装载质量 5 3.1.2 整备质量 5 3.1.3 汽车总质量 6 3.2 垃圾车发动机选型 6 3.2.1 发动机最大功率及其相应转速 6 3.2.2 发动机最大转矩及其相应转速 6 3.2.3 发动机适应性系数 7 3.3 料斗容积与污水箱容积 7 3.4 底盘改造 7 3.4.1 整备质量和轴荷 8 3.4.2 性能参数 8 3.4.3 垃圾车挂桶的选配 9 3.4.4 举升液压缸的选配 9 3.4.5 尺


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