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河北联合大学轻工学院 QINGGONG COLLEGE, HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY 毕业设计说明书 设计(论文)题目:烧结自动化系统设计 —烧结配料自动控制系统设计 学生姓名: 学 号: 专业班级:09自动化3班 学 部:信息科学与技术部 指导教师: 2013年5月30日 摘 要 如今社会钢铁行业发展迅速,前景十分良好,随着高炉对烧结矿品质要求的不断提高,配料已成为烧结技术改造的关键环节。众所周知,烧结厂配料系统是整个烧结生产的源头,它担负着所有烧结机的混合料供应任务,如果配料系统遇到问题,那么整个烧结生产都要被迫停止,而且配料系统的计算也要准确无误,因为烧结原料的种类多,配料成分随其供货渠道的变化而变化,各单配料的配合比例也会根据生产的要求随时变化,而且在生产过程中,物料的黏度、比重、粒度及环境的温度、湿度的变化,也会严重影响下斜的精度,因此,配料系统对于提高烧结矿的质量至关重要[1]。 本套系统考虑采用集散控制配料系统。综述了WinCC、PLC技术、变频调速技术的概况。在这个控制系统中,各仪表的数据可由计算机键盘操作实现对每台仪表的配比设定及启停动作,计算机主要承担管理工作,不直接控制配料,故计算机出现故障时可关掉计算机,此时仪表仍可独自配料,形成一个小小的闭环。画面监控可实现现场动态画面,显示设备运行状况,可以实施定值、配比、料种、时间的设定,可以进行记录的查询,显示历史实时趋势曲线,并对故障、异常情况进行记录、保存、打印和查询,所以这套系统应能很好的满足现场工艺的要求。软件设计控制任务由S7-300可编程序控制器来完成,过程监视及远程操作由WinCC来完成。 关键词:烧结;配料系统;WinCC;PLC;变频器 Abstract Now the iron and steel industry the rapid development of society, foreground is very good, with the blast furnace to sinter quality requirements increasing, ingredients has become a key link in modification of sintering technology.As everyone knows, batching system sintering plant is the whole sintering production source, it undertakes the mixture supply task for all of the sintering machine, if you encounter problems batching system, then the whole sintering production could be forced to stop, and the calculation burden system should also be accurate, the species as sintering raw materials, ingredients with changes in supply channel changes, with the proportion of each single ingredients can change at any time according to the requirements of production, but also in the production process, material proportion, viscosity, particle size and environmental temperature, humidity changes, will also affect the lower accuracy, seriously so, batching system for improving the quality of vital sinter. This set of system to consider the use of distributed control system. An overview of WinCC, PLC technology, variable frequency speed control technology. In this control system, the computer keyboard operation of each inst


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