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YD6906GH型客车车身结构设计(I) 专 业:车 辆 工 程 学 生:王 源 指 导 教 师:李 红 完 成 日 期:2012.05.25 中文摘要 内容:随着城市的不断发展,城市人口的不断增多,作为城市交通运输工具的城市公交车发挥着越来越重要的作用。城市公交车作为主要的交通工具,既要考虑乘客乘坐的舒适性,又要考虑与市容相协调,起到美化城市的作用,所以城市公交车的车身设计起着举足轻重的作用。随着计算机技术的发展,借助于计算机来进行数字化虚拟设计已经越来越多的应用于设计领域中。通过计算机可以清楚的表达出客车内部和外部的造型,给人直观的感觉。在大中型客车车身项目进行开发设计时,通过计算机能够很快的完成该车造型设计方面的工作, 同时也节省了制作油泥模型等步骤的大量时间, 降低了开发成本。本次毕业设计是对YD6906GH 型客车的前围及底架进行数字化设计,在计算机中对客车前围的总体造型与结构设计,以及前围,侧围骨架、蒙皮焊接总成设计,前风窗结构设计,前车灯,后视镜的造型设计,并对后视镜视野进行校核。本文将结合CATIA V5 软件来对详细介绍该设计方法的应用。 关键词:城市公交车,前围,CATIA,数字化设计 Abstract Content: With the continuous development of cities and urban population increasing, as urban transport vehicles are playing a more and more important role. Urban public transport vehicles as a major means of transport should consider the comfort of passengers board, but also consider the coordination with the feature of the cities and play the role of beautifying the cities. Along with calculator technical development, with the help from a computer to carry on digital design already more and more applications in the design realm. with the computer can express the shape of a passenger car inner part and exterior clearly, keeping the felling of view for person.At the big and medium-sized passenger car carriage item carry on the development design, with computer can the work very quick completion cars shape design, also save the creation grease model etc. is a great deal of time of the step, lowering a development cost.This graduation design is to design the YD6906GH passenger car and the bottom in the computer, to design the passenger car in the calculator of total shape design, and framework, receive skin, ex- lamp and so on. This text will combine the CATIA V5 software come to detailed the introduction should design the application of this method. Key words :City bus Front wall CATIA Digital design 目  录 摘要 II ABSTRACT III 目 录 IV 第一章 引言 1 1.1 城市公交车的造型发展趋势概述 1 1.1.1 国内发展趋势 2 1.1.2 国外大


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