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经过评析 认为这三种学说既有自身的贡献 也有自身的不足 并在此基础上对犯罪 结果的概念进行了重新界定 认为犯罪结果是犯罪行为作用于犯罪对象而对犯罪客体 造成损害的具有刑法意义的客观事实    第二章 犯罪结果的分类 为了加深对犯罪结果概念的了解 有必要研究犯罪结 果的分类 本章首先研究了构成结果和非构成结果这一分类 对其含义做出界定 阐 述了构成结果和非构成结果的联系和区别 并对非物质性结果能否属于构成结果 非 构成结果包括什么进行了探讨 本章接下来讨论了实害结果和危险结果问题 通过对 非物质性结果是否可以分为实害结果和危险结果进行分析 说明实害结果和危险结果 的划分是对全部犯罪结果所作的分类 进而就危险结果是否包括对客体造成的抽象危 险表达了看法 认为危险结果只能是具体的 所谓抽象的危险结果不具有成为犯罪结 果的资格 并在这些分析基础上  对实害结果和危险结果做出了界定    第三章  犯罪结果在犯罪构成中的地位  本章首先将犯罪构成划分为三个层次 以此为基础 认为犯罪结果不是一般犯罪构成的必要要素 进而分析完成形态的具体 犯罪构成是否都需要有犯罪结果 并得出结论 一切结果犯 危险犯的犯罪既遂构成 中 均以犯罪结果为构成要件要素 而未完成形态的犯罪以及行为犯的既遂构成都不 要求结果 最后  本章探讨了犯罪结果与犯罪客体                犯罪对象的关系  Abstract    The question of the results of crime has less important status in criminal  theory. It is still a minor question though being studied in the theory of  formation of crime. Still it has no importance if we study it from the process  of criminal theory. on the contrary, it was weakened since the constitution  of crime experienced the transition from the result standard to the behavior  standard. In modern society, demeanor constitutes crime have more and more  been recognized by modern country, this shows that the status of the criminal  result may still been weakened in the future. But this does not mean that the  study of it has no value, because the result of crime still has important  impress on the constitution of crime, and still has important effect on the  outcome of punishment. The result of crime is the embodiment of the fact of  crime activity do on the object. Through the result of crime we can find out  the character of activity, the result of crime is the embodiment of harm that  the criminal activity does on society, for the result of crime indicates the  quality and the quantity of the change of the world. The result of crime is  an element of the constitution of crime, so it has important relation to the  question of causality and the question of uncommitted crime. So the study of  the result of crime has importance effect on the perfect


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