2010-2015学年高中英语 第四单元综合练习 新人教版必修1.docVIP

2010-2015学年高中英语 第四单元综合练习 新人教版必修1.doc

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2010-2011学年高一英语 必修一 第四单元综合练习 Unit 4 完成句子 昨晚雨很大,河堤决口了。 It rained heavily last night, and the dam under the weight of water. 女人的活干不完。 A woman’s work is never . 3. 所有的河还是流到了大海。 All rivers flow to the sea . 地震后许多楼房成了废墟。 After the earthquake, lots of buildings have fallen into . 那场官司使他倾家荡产。 The lawsuit brought him to ruin. 煤矿塌陷后,救援队奔赴现场营救遇难者。 After the coal mine caved in, a rescue team went to the scene the victims.. 玛丽给汤姆设了个圈套,而他真的中计了。 Marry set a trap for Tom and he really fell into the . 国庆节是中国的一件大事。 National Day is a great in China. 我向他的的成功我表示热烈的祝贺。 I send him my warmest on his success. 9. 在信中我真诚地表达了我的谢意。 I expressed my gratitude in the letter. 10. 我们没想到这么多的人参加了晚会。 We didn’t so many people come to the party. 二.选择 1.We visited a ____ This country abounds with fruit . A. B.which C.in which D.at which 2.The foreign ____ was a friend of mine. A.you just talked B.whom you just talked to C.who you just talked to him D.which you just talked to 3.Finally the thief handed everything ____ he had stolen to the police. A.the thing B.what C.that D.hich 4.—What’s happening? I feel the house ___. ???? —An earthquake! ?????A. shake?????? B. to shake?????C. shaking???? D.shaken 5.The sun ____ in the east and ____ in the west. A. raises, falls B. rises, sets C. rising, falling Dgoes, comes 6.Scientists?says?a?big?earthquake?might?______ a whole city in thirty minutes.. ?????A.ruin B. be destroyed C. be stopped in D. not ruin 7.When the girl learnt that her boy friend was ____ in the earthquake, she _____. A. injured, burst in tear B. killed, burst into tears C. still alive, burst into tears C. missing, burst into laughter 8. ______ people killed and injured in the earthquake reached several million. A. A number of B. The number of C.A lot of D.A great many 9._



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